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FunnyFilmFan t1_izwc4zw wrote

I’m almost positive that the hours are set by law and they are something like 8 or 9am.


september-sun OP t1_izwd45q wrote

I would love to know why there needs to be a law for this.


Capecole t1_izwfrdb wrote

Morality based laws from a long time ago. Liquor stores weren’t allowed to be open on Sundays in MA 15 years ago.


fishythepete t1_izwonl7 wrote

18 years. RI and MA both first allowed Sunday sales in 2004.


Capecole t1_izwoxdo wrote

I didn’t know that. I just assumed RI allowed alcohol because it was where everyone went to get tattooed.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_izxt87p wrote

And that was a relatively easy thing to justify repealing since it was a holdover from virtually nothing being open on a Sunday.

Even though there's a valid reason to remove restrictions on liquor store hours, it is a bit of a tougher sell because of the presumption that it'd just be used by alcoholics or people who've been up partying all night. That and nobody really cares enough to want to change it.


bill-nye-finance-guy t1_izx0mr3 wrote

In Massachusetts it goes all the way back to the Puritans, and I think RI is similar


ThirdHandTyping t1_izydlsd wrote

Keeping liquor stores closed a couple hours before the morning commute significantly lowers car crashes and fatalities.

Even places that have been allowing bars/clubs to be open all night often go back to closing them from around 5-8am to get less drunk drivers during peak driving hours.


ratdad t1_izwv044 wrote

You can’t drink all day unless you start early.


jznuj t1_izwog4l wrote

My therapist has a 24 hour line if you need it..


netwirk t1_izwn858 wrote

Getting an earlier start?


september-sun OP t1_izws9uu wrote

Just got out of work, want a beer before bed.


FunnyFilmFan t1_izwzrcx wrote

As a person who used to work an overnight shift, I feel your pain. The world is not set up for people whose work day ends at 6am.


MosEisleyXingGuard t1_izwyuac wrote

If you're in Providence, Louis Family Restaurant on Brook St (over by Brown) does beer and wine. Pretty sure I've seen residents just off their shift at the hospital with an omelette and a beer in the mornings


netwirk t1_izx71hl wrote

Yep it’s the blue laws, but right over the RI/Mass line there is a convenience store that sells beer. I think it’s called Flaming Mrkt in Attleboro.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_izwt833 wrote

Update from our night shift OP? Did you get your beer?


september-sun OP t1_izwxzgt wrote

On my way now! Just finished some leftover Buffalo Wild Wings, so I'm ready for a cold one.


Lizzifer1230 t1_izx5zud wrote

Back in 2017 when I lived in providence there was a liquor store that opened at 8 am on academy Ave. That’s the earliest I’ve ever seen a liquor store open in RI.


Sweaty_Judge_3117 t1_izzayu0 wrote

Rippeys in Charlestown RI opens quite early (7?) IIRC. Been a bit since I’ve gone so I’d check.


zhelives2001 t1_j006c5f wrote

When I lived in woonsocket a couple years back J&D Liquors would open at 7:30, and google says this is still the case


saucyB52 t1_izznfaz wrote


its magic, for realzz


BingBong022 t1_izwrpau wrote

You should probably start going to AA meetings


september-sun OP t1_izws8n9 wrote

Too religious for me


BingBong022 t1_izwtrz2 wrote

Drinking at 5 am...everything is fine


Jmac3366 t1_izx4o7z wrote

I work nights I’ve dealt with far too many aa preachers just enjoying a beer after my shift


BingBong022 t1_izx5ir7 wrote

Smoke weed it's better


september-sun OP t1_izx8u2t wrote

How early are the weed stores open? I saw one opened at 6am on the first day but I assumed it was a one-time deal.


SoftballisLifeRI t1_izx53wn wrote

You’ve obviously never worked 3rd shift, nothing wrong with a beer after work. Come on down off that high horse


BingBong022 t1_izx5g2a wrote

It's actually a giraffe ya alcoholic


SufficientZucchini21 t1_izx69ef wrote

Comments like this do not help anyone. AA doesn’t stand for Arrogant Assholes but you are certainly making a strong case for it.


Jmac3366 t1_izyt2a6 wrote

Talking a lot for a guy with a profile full of dick pics lol