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PJFrye t1_j1xdant wrote

Was it the whores? I think that might have detracted from the atmosphere.


FrequentAnnual1262 t1_j1yk3xj wrote

I used to eat there almost weekly never any obvious indication of any prostitution going on, not saying it wasn't.

For us just got sick of the rising prices and sick of sushi. Then there is the political aspect of all of this, as the major provider of sushi is a company run by the Unification Church (aka loonie moonies). The Unification church is notoriously right wing, they founded and fund the Washington Times which was founded solely to discredit the Democratic party. When you eat sushi you help fund the political activities of that church.

There are unenforced Fed tax laws that dictate in exchange for not talking about politics in church they can get an exemption from taxes. That is enforced seldom, unfortunately.