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SDVNova t1_j1vudxr wrote

For most authentic in Providence go to Ran Zan Sushi


spoobles t1_j1w073p wrote

Ran Zan is great, but be forewarned it is going to take some time. Do not go if in a rush or trying to catch a show. It is run by the proverbial old man and his wife. The sushi is very good, traditional, inexpensive for what you get...but it is slow service.

If you want to relax and don't mind waiting, a strong recommend.


iLuvTwice t1_j1wrnde wrote

Agree. It's rare to find a Japanese place owned and operated by actual Japanese people. Before I moved away from Providence, I used to go almost exclusively to practice casual conversation and even ran into one of Brown's Japanese professors on a few occasions.

That being said, it's usually only Mr. Shimizu at sushi counter so there is almost always a wait.

I've never seen a man work so hard. The guy works like 10 hours a day for decades and has the knee surgeries to prove it. My only fear is that Ranzan won't be open for many more years unless their children decide to move back from Japan to take it over.

I encourage everyone to enjoy their sushi while they can. And also their salad dressing. And give them a pass on their mediocre to slightly above average kitchen foods and glacial service times. Remember that their strength is traditional flavor.


Educational_Leg36 t1_j1xsfwg wrote

Don't quote me on this but ichiban in cranston. I'm pretty sure the family is half japanese and half korean or something along those lines.


ydai t1_j1xh7pe wrote

Google says it's temporarily closed...


LokTitan t1_j25fe1z wrote

Love this recommendation and place. The owners are sweet, authentic, and hard-working. It shows in the quality and experience. I wish there were more around here.

Thanks for reminding me of this place! Happy New year!


SDVNova t1_j25gm89 wrote

You’re welcome! Happy New Year


Staggered401 t1_j1vasrt wrote

Haruki in Wayland is the best in Providence and surrounding area.


appslap t1_j1vrus9 wrote

Tokyo the 🐐RIP 🪦


Shiksaslayer609 t1_j1xlpjf wrote

Tokyo closed?:( I haven’t been to Providence since college.


appslap t1_j1xvljz wrote

It closed a really long time ago, lol I graduated in 2012 and I don’t think it was there much after that. It changed ownership and wasn’t the same and their prices were the best.


Shiksaslayer609 t1_j1yw29g wrote

I graduated in 05 and haven’t really been back, I imagine a lot has changed.


jfg1984 t1_j1vqbcn wrote

Lim’s in Wayland is my personal favorite. Really great Thai food too.


Twittchy95 t1_j1voa69 wrote

Somo Kitchen and Sushi is excellent and their relatively new, the options are creative and the fish tastes fresh, I'd give them a shot I've gone a few times now and haven't been disappointed.

However, my longtime favorite will always be the sushi place in between the elevators at the Providence Place Mall Food Court, idk if most would agree but that's my preference


PipeLayer2016 t1_j1w9utw wrote

It's above average for sushi in Providence but priced above it's station. Service and drinks are good though


4355525 t1_j1yw75q wrote

I dunno if you're a foodie or not but there's a place called 10 prime steak and sushi, great fuckin spot but a little pricey. Anyway, the guy who runs Somo used to be the head chief at 10 prime.


spoobles t1_j1w0lh7 wrote

I liked Somo. Definitely not your "traditional" sushi place. Very inventive in their approach. The location is quite nice and the owner is very friendly.


PipeLayer2016 t1_j1w8w78 wrote

There really isn't a great sushi place in Providence. Somo is good, Sakura is decent. Ichiban is above average. I'd say Sushi Mori in Newport is the best in in the state. But coming up in the west coast, their really isn't GREAT sushi in RI.


Memecerr t1_j1xk83z wrote

Nami providence


silverhammer96 t1_j1w0eh5 wrote

People in this thread might be able or answer, how is Cisco’s in New Bedford? I hear it’s on of the better sushi places


PipeLayer2016 t1_j1wac1z wrote

Shit. I bought a whole pound of fresh caught sea scallops in NB at a fish market and ate them raw on my way home. Does that count as sushi, because that has been the best I've had in New England


LouMM t1_j24qfoa wrote

Food Envy here. Where did you go? Where else do you go for shellfish and fish? Been in the area for five years, and I haven’t found the proper process or place to go to buy fresh seafood, from the boat. I buy from secondary markets around here, which are always more expensive and not as fresh.


LokTitan t1_j25ctzw wrote

Me too. It's been a challenge to find the time of the day and the best place to pick up specific seafood types. Secondary markets around here are like buying frozen in other places on the east coast. I want to get it fresh since we live in such a beautiful l and accessible place. (I love this area!)


Sweet_Opportunity69 t1_j1ya8np wrote

Go to the azumis hibachi grill in dartmouth!they have unlimited sushi!Really good and fresh


silverhammer96 t1_j200ese wrote

Just Googled it, seems like they’re permanently closed,


Sweet_Opportunity69 t1_j200l3p wrote

I don’t think they are.Would call in before making the ride there.


LouMM t1_j24q07z wrote

Curious to see if it is true. In Jersey there are a number of all you can eat, and buffets, that are good. Some above average. It would be neat to find one in the area.


sonickid101 t1_j1xt63q wrote

DaDaruki, Waterman Street, Providence, Off of Thayer Street little hole in the wall place tiny Japanese market area with Japanese candies and drinks. Used to be call Haruki Express but they recently renamed. Their Sushi combo's are insane value for how good they are.


netwirk t1_j208t48 wrote

What about Jackie Chan's?


kayakyakr t1_j2bczmx wrote

Update: DaDaruki is pretty dang good highly recommend


ka-neki t1_j2ecczx wrote

haruki in cranston!


google700 t1_j1vqk82 wrote

Nami not even close!


kayakyakr t1_j1zh48j wrote

Nami is alright. Certainly above average, but not worth the extra cost. Wasabi in Warwick is a good comparison.


FrequentAnnual1262 t1_j1vwp1j wrote

7 Moons in North Kingston used to be excellent. But for some reason (I forget) we stopped going there and stopped eating sushi all together. Now when we drive by by it looks like a ghost town...


HP-12C t1_j1w9uh2 wrote

It's because osushi opened up down the road.


FrequentAnnual1262 t1_j1wfvr4 wrote

There is also another sushi place up the road in EG... but that was popular when 7 Moons was also popular.


HP-12C t1_j1z0pj1 wrote

I believe you're talking about Jason's. I've never been there so I can't speak to the quality but the quality of OSushi vs. 7 Moons is night and day.


kayakyakr t1_j1zgr2h wrote

Osushi was very good, just a bit out of the way


HP-12C t1_j1zm2x5 wrote

No I'm with you. I live right around that corner so it's very convenient for me. This kind of got hijacked with a question about Providence places but still think OSushi is one of the better in Rhode Island in general.


[deleted] t1_j24qw8q wrote



HP-12C t1_j24s05x wrote

Why do you have to bring race into it? I think we're all better off not running into you there [or anywhere].


LokTitan t1_j25ckk6 wrote

Umm, they didn't. Plus, even if they did, it's their observation, and you don't have to agree.

I agree with them. The place could be better run. It may have a nice venue and was able to feed people with overpriced food for takeout during the pandemic. However, the reboot of the place could have been better done after people started returning to classes. It's the only place they don't have meals of single types of Nigiri.


HP-12C t1_j25d2g4 wrote

They edited their response - their original response was:

Osushi is run by a penny pinching asian, who runs it like the worst kind of a Chinese restaurant.


LokTitan t1_j25dl7j wrote

Oh please. Go troll somewhere else.


HP-12C t1_j25dst4 wrote

Oh, this must be your alternate. Nice try.


LouMM t1_j25an2c wrote

Nice try. I said Chinese Restaurant. I didn't bring race into it anywhere. Bottom line. It's poorly run. In fact, our waitress apologized and told me she loses a lot of tables a night due to the owner. I wasn't alone.

I am glad I won't run into you if you are that judgemental.

However, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. 🍾🥂


HP-12C t1_j25cqc4 wrote

I would reread the very first sentence in your first reply and "try again".

edit: OHHHHH you edited it out. Let me cut and paste your original response.

"Osushi is run by a penny pinching asian, who runs it like the worst kind of a Chinese restaurant. Was in there with a family of seven, and they were so tight on the menu, without options, we got up an..."


PJFrye t1_j1xdant wrote

Was it the whores? I think that might have detracted from the atmosphere.


FrequentAnnual1262 t1_j1yk3xj wrote

I used to eat there almost weekly never any obvious indication of any prostitution going on, not saying it wasn't.

For us just got sick of the rising prices and sick of sushi. Then there is the political aspect of all of this, as the major provider of sushi is a company run by the Unification Church (aka loonie moonies). The Unification church is notoriously right wing, they founded and fund the Washington Times which was founded solely to discredit the Democratic party. When you eat sushi you help fund the political activities of that church.

There are unenforced Fed tax laws that dictate in exchange for not talking about politics in church they can get an exemption from taxes. That is enforced seldom, unfortunately.


oddeidolon t1_j1zu9tz wrote

I used to do NAMI but now I do Jacky's Waterplace. It's Americanized and the lunch rolls are a rip but it's at least consistent.


astrangeday13 t1_j1v21vo wrote

Best in the area is outside Prov. Izumi in Attleboro is where you want to go.


PipeLayer2016 t1_j1w9b31 wrote

A step above stop and shop. Only visit if you only eat California rolls


StarlightLeyLine t1_j1vo325 wrote

At least stay within the state. Bristol, Jackie's Galaxie. I don't get to the city much but I know Attleboro isn't the place for sushi.


astrangeday13 t1_j1vo8eb wrote

If you're suggesting Jackie's, you don't know good sushi. Nice try though.


StarlightLeyLine t1_j1voqd5 wrote

Maybe not but 5 years living in Attleboro and I can say I've never once had anything other than bad sushi shy of Boston. As I said I can't vouch on the city I don't go there much of at all


astrangeday13 t1_j1vp0gv wrote

Izumi opened not long ago. I've traveled all over NE due to a sales job. I can confidently say, Izumi is far and above the best around.


StarlightLeyLine t1_j1vpfqi wrote

Went to isumi when it first opened. Got food poisoning from cheap tuna never went back. I was in Attleboro dodging the punk ass high schoolers as I was trying to work at a local company who was being audited. So two experiences two opinions


astrangeday13 t1_j1vpnvx wrote

Funny, they have the freshest tuna around... Once again, nice try though.


StarlightLeyLine t1_j1vqdre wrote

You keep saying nice try. Nice try to what. You had one experience. I had another. What is there to try about it? This isn't some sort of gotcha because we disagree. I got sick you didn't. Congrats maybe? I recommended the one place I've been in the last few weeks that I enjoyed. Good bad at this point it's a matter of opinion. So again nice try what.


SausageSmuggler21 t1_j1w1kp2 wrote

Being a server at a moderate, small town sushi restaurant is not really a "sales job." Nice try.


astrangeday13 t1_j1w1v3c wrote

Wouldn't know, I was just a presidents club level sales guy for Xerox... Nice try though...


waheifilmguy t1_j1vzlbp wrote

Izumi is good, WAY better than anything I have had a Jacky's.


PipeLayer2016 t1_j1w9kpi wrote

I agree, but this is a RI sub and we won't get much love for those opinions here. Newport however has some 8/10 sushi.


wafflesandgin t1_j1yygkz wrote

I haven't been to Jacky's in a long time (and it was the Mineral Spring location). But, I always appreciated it for decent inexpensive sushi. The rice was actually fresh (a little warm) which delighted me.


leavingthecold t1_j1v5jp3 wrote

In case we have people that have the insatiable desire for authentic Japanese sushi , I estimate maybe 1-3 in the entire state are actually owned by a person from Japan or of Japanese descent.


kayakyakr t1_j1vds7m wrote

If you find them, please enlighten us!


brick1972 t1_j1vea8q wrote

Ran Zan still is but you will find plenty of complaints from people that want Chinese-American sushi (i.e. giant exotic rolls) and it's also true that the quality is down a bit compared to their heyday. I still love them but I'm not going to argue with those that don't.


kayakyakr t1_j1vsifx wrote

I do enjoy me some weirdo rolls, but the quality is key.

Best traditional sushi I've had is Sugar fish in NY.

Runner up is a place in Austin called Tomo, which iirc, was started by a white guy who apprenticed at a sushi restaurant in Japan, worked at a top-end restaurant in Vegas, married a Japanese woman who handles the interior design, and trains his own chefs (mostly Mexican).

In both cases, the quality of the fish is just a step higher than anyone else, and you can taste it. Doesn't matter where the owners are from in that regard.

Best I've had in New England have been at FuGaKyu and Irashi in Boston. Irashi is the wildcard here: it's a total dump and hole in the wall, but their sushi is such a welcome surprise.


Staggered401 t1_j1vwb3d wrote

I agree that Fugakyu in Brookline is the best in Southern New England.


kayakyakr t1_j1vx6pd wrote

Southern? There something in Maine or somewhere I don't know about?


Staggered401 t1_j1vxu6u wrote

Brookline is right outside of Boston. Technically a part of it.


kayakyakr t1_j1vyg9j wrote

Technicalities. Most other cities in the US would have annexed the smaller towns and expanded to cover most of their metro, but not Boston.


Styx_Renegade t1_j1z0osa wrote

Haruki’s is still owned by Haruki himself. He’s from Japan.