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random-wander t1_j00ii83 wrote

That map is so good you can even see block island if you zoom in!


Jack__Squat t1_j01l8j7 wrote

Goddamn. This is the opposite of those maps that forget RI exists.


phumanchu t1_j024dl8 wrote

rhode island is part of new york or massachusetts right?



boulevardofdef t1_j02hxe5 wrote

Except that RI is the only state where the percentage doesn't appear on the map itself, so it's totally a map that forgot RI exists.


ScarletRhodey t1_j01hynn wrote

Interesting that Kent has the lowest percentage in state, but also weirdly makes sense.

And it's funny that a lot workers in Providence, Bristol, and Newport counties work in Bristol County, MA, but that's the highest county in MA for people as they are coming in RI. Just swapping people everyday.


BossCrabMeat t1_j0298bq wrote

That is very interesting to me.

I live in Bristol County, MA and lots of jobs in Providence, Warwick etc pay significantly better rates.

I don't understand why you would travel 30 minutes to Attleboro for a lower wage.


karnim t1_j02h3a3 wrote

I do it, and the answer is really industry. Not a whole lot of manufacturing going on in Providence, but I still want to live near a city, so I'm driving out to a factory in Norton every day to do engineering and product dev stuff. Definitely taking a price hit, but I don't want to live in Attleboro.


BossCrabMeat t1_j02k809 wrote

All to each own I guess, I'd rather live in say Berkeley and work in Norton or Providence and be 30 minutes from both Boston and Providence for the weekends.

And there is lots of manufacturing going on around Kingstown


boulevardofdef t1_j02ja6n wrote

Well, Kent is the only county that doesn't border a major population center in another state. It borders Connecticut but it borders the middle of absolutely nowhere in Connecticut. Providence County borders Attleboro and that whole dense area; Newport County borders Fall River; Bristol County borders Seekonk and Swansea; Washington is next to the Connecticut Shoreline and places like Pawcatuck and further afield Mystic, New London, the casinos. Only Kent isn't right on top of out-of-state jobs.


the_silent_one1984 t1_j04usgi wrote

As someone who is quite familiar with I-195 traffic, this doesn't shock me one bit.


Cash50911 t1_j01qm6h wrote

#1 since the district of Columbia is not a state....


vodkanipples t1_j02zj3m wrote

It says Americans working outside of their state of residence. So anyone working in DC fits the criteria because as you stated DC is not a state. But I do agree we are the 1 state , DC only gets the 1 spot due to technicality.


SuddenlySimple t1_j018r5r wrote

Not surprised MA and Boston have all the jobs


PlanetGoneCyclingOn t1_j01xp8g wrote

Or we're just small, so every resident is within commuting distance from the state border.


boulevardofdef t1_j02k8oo wrote

Yeah, not understanding why RI is near the top is an extremely "I Never Leave RI" thing. Any person anywhere in RI can commute to another state. That's not true of any other state -- maybe Delaware. If you live in Columbus, Ohio (metro population 2 million, twice as big as this entire state), you can't commute to another state, period, it doesn't matter how much you want to or how good the jobs are. I don't think people realize just how small RI is and what that means.


therealDrA t1_j02mbqt wrote

I am from Los Angeles. RI is less than a quarter the size of Los Angeles County. It is one of the reasons I chose RI. Everything is close. It takes less time to get to Boston than to drive across LA county at rush hour.


sporkemon t1_j03si2f wrote

hell, I had teachers growing up who commuted to my schools from connecticut and massachusetts. probably an hour for each of them but they crossed the whole state latitudinally/longitudinally to get there.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j01ko1g wrote

Yeah it’s called Massachusetts. So a bit of a deceptive figure. I mean it includes Boston but also Newport Creamery and Target in Seekonk. Or anyone working in the other direction (New London etc).


HiHo-Silver t1_j01vbxw wrote

There is no industry here anymore. All we do is serve food to each other. There’s no more manufacturing. We were the jewelry capital of the world now it’s China.


Jack__Squat t1_j01ldhq wrote

Does this include remote work?


noungning t1_j02q3sx wrote

I must be blind, where's the % for RI?


laterbacon t1_j02qoje wrote

It's in the list in the lower right


noungning t1_j02qy4g wrote

Thanks, I was looking in the map and figuring maybe I didn't zoom in enough lol.


Kingman9K t1_j05ktwv wrote

The District of Columbia is not a state. So actually, we're the #1 state.


HighPlainsDrifting t1_j02528j wrote

80% of Rhode islanders work for the city or state lol
