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citrus_mystic t1_j0c8vo0 wrote

You’re really trying to justify being a dick because someone is doing something you wouldn’t? Odd thing to double down on. It’s pretty easy to just accept that other people have their own preferences. Why continue to criticize?


User0098237490 t1_j0cau7c wrote

I’m not being a dick. All I’m doing is pointing out some pretty obvious stuff here.

Notice how no one ever said I was wrong, they just said I was a dick which is like a classic grade-school tactic when no one has anything else left to say to contradict the point.


citrus_mystic t1_j0cbnuq wrote

You know, it’s possible to make a recommendation without being condescending and questioning their intelligence.

Edit- because when you do so, you’re being a dick.


User0098237490 t1_j0cc54a wrote

I’d rather be a dickhead who’s right than a nice person who’s wrong.


citrus_mystic t1_j0cdq82 wrote

Or you can be kind and right and avoid being a dick entirely. It’s really not difficult. You’re fixation on being ‘right’ is entirely subjective in regards to a matter of personal preference, and you’re clinging to that argument in order to justify being rude.

I’m going to leave this discussion now. If you feel motivated to further try to argue why you feel inclined or justified in being unkind, go right ahead, but I’m not going to continue to engage.