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ericivar t1_j2f63a6 wrote

… totally read that as two diesel ’gansett’s.


UncleJimmee t1_j2fvh87 wrote

Next beer name if you're listening gansett:! Diesel Gansett. I can see the tee shirts already!


Null_Error7 t1_j2fd9xr wrote

Even off road diesel is like $5/gal. I looked up 45kW diesel generators and they burn 4 gal/hr at full load. So $20 / 45kW = 44 cents per kW/hr.

On what planet are you making money?


BingBong022 t1_j2fofdw wrote

I run a small modular nuclear reactor in my basement


Williwaw_33 t1_j2fadhy wrote

Genuinely curious what you’re running to need that energy supply? I assume some type of business? Are you totally off grid or sell back into the grid?


plaverty9 t1_j2ftq6b wrote

My solar panels work too.


Anthropomorphotic t1_j2fkpe0 wrote

I'm going over numbers in my head. I don't know how that can be cheaper overall.

It's gotta be loud as fuck. Where do you run them?


SnooDrawings7662 t1_j2f53p9 wrote

I'm pretty sure California and Hawaii still have more expensive electricity.


SnooDrawings7662 t1_j2f5ihy wrote

Oops, my bad.. CT, MA and NH have more expensive electricity than RI,. As do California and Hawaii....

So RI is definitely expensive, but only #6.. not number 1.


Appropriate_Signal_7 OP t1_j2f6rjw wrote

check your numbers ! trust me newport county is alot higher than the rest of the state.


Zones86 t1_j2ffsuo wrote

I live in Hawaii, was in rhode island for 17 years... It's not even close lol. Ri is dirt cheap in comparison. We have a massive battery system and solar panels to offset a bit, but electricity bill is still 200ish a month.


Seawookiee t1_j2fk66y wrote

Are using the waste heat for process to help offset the cost per Btu hr. I don't think you can beat the grid unless you are making your own biodiesel


Aregoodusernamesleft t1_j2fbjqz wrote

I would like to learn more about alternative energy if you’re willing to share your knowledge.


mittynuke t1_j2fcwny wrote

I’ve been considering it with these insane prices. I’m just talking about my home though, so I don’t know if I would really save anything. I have a 5 kw diesel generator that can power everything I need at home except for the clothes dryer.


Null_Error7 t1_j2fjoww wrote

Unless you’re getting free diesel it’s not worth it. Nutjobs will burn used motor oil mixed with gasoline/diesel but it’s a lot of work just to save $200/month while destroying your generator.


mittynuke t1_j2fk2rj wrote

I have a few different diesel engines, all small single cylinder engines, and have been wanting to experiment with burning used motor oil but haven’t done it yet. I don’t think you can really save money by generating your own power unless you need a lot of electricity, as in more than an average home requires. OP mentions cogeneration which also cuts down in costs in the winter.