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LateToSapphos t1_j0ucapg wrote

Even if that is a law the highway was not empty I was going with the flow of traffic, hence why I was in the passing lane because I was passing most traffic rushing to get home.


Nighthawk9997 t1_j0ucssd wrote

I myself if the highway on the left lane was empty I would be going 80-85mph in the 55mph zone, and if both lanes were empty I would take the right lane. But some people like your case will speed up to cut me off and keep swerving in traffic, Fast & Furious wannabe!


LateToSapphos t1_j0ud7lm wrote

Agreed on an empty highway I would just stay in the right lane for convenience. I’ll never understand people who weave through traffic and drive like hell it’s been proven that it doesn’t even save you that much time so it’s pretty pointlessly dangerous.

I remember driving to somewhere and my friend was also going there so we left with two cars. She drives like that and she made it to the destination about 30 seconds before I did and I was riding like normal traffic in the middle lane.


Nighthawk9997 t1_j0ue29n wrote

She must have a fast car to do that kind of drive, and not just speed you need a good handling car with good brakes. But you would see someone in a Civic doing this.


LateToSapphos t1_j0ueec6 wrote

Haha thankfully it is a nicer/newer car definitely not doing all that in a civic be we’ve all witnessed it happening xD