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wutang2019 t1_j1xd02s wrote

This is RI. We will be funding some politician or contractor’s home improvements and vacations with those tolls.


glennjersey t1_j1xox9f wrote

Don't kid yourself, that's going to happen in any state.


overthehillhat t1_j20cuwm wrote

If we want the 100,000 lb trucks to pay almost $10 dollars

we could pay 25 cents for our 2,500 lb cars - -

that would be deemed fair in a court battle


WrathWise OP t1_j1xgb8e wrote

Perhaps that’s how it used to be however, technology exists to make the transactions and funds all publicly viewable. It is not rocket science and if people want to stop having to invest in new tires or having their undercarriage damaged… it needs be done. Otherwise enjoy the indefinite depreciation I guess.


WarExciting t1_j1z3ge8 wrote

Money is fungible. I don’t want them having access to any more.


BitterStatus9 t1_j1xkr3s wrote

I guess you are being downvoted by people who like their fReEdOm.


GrapeRello t1_j1yqc38 wrote

The winters are going to destroy the roads no matter what. Nothing to do with fReDoM


buddhamanjpb t1_j1z3l9l wrote

There are states with worse winters than ours, that have infinitely better roads.


dc_dobbz t1_j1za7vv wrote

But I wonder if their road networks were laid out in the 18th century


GrapeRello t1_j1zfn7i wrote

I believe it’s because our soil is so sandy compared to other states.


BitterStatus9 t1_j1zujmz wrote

Yes, so we'd better not fund adequate repairs! Makes sense!!


dc_dobbz t1_j1za3k7 wrote

I think you’re underestimating how much people associate RI government with corruption. At the moment, the state is not much worse than most states (and considerable better than some) but even within my own lifetime that wasn’t the case. RI was one of the biggest pay-to-play states in the whole country at least through the 90’s. “Plunderdome” helped root out a lot of it but once trust is lost on that level it takes a very, very long time to regain.


BitterStatus9 t1_j1zuza1 wrote

Lived here since 1982, so yeah, I know you are right. But one way you earn trust is by fixing the roads. It's cute to nod knowingly and wink when someone mentions corruption, but that just reinforces the prior "oh well, can't do anything!" attitudes. (I'm not saying you have that attitude, but most people do around here.)