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DrMonkeyLove t1_j2auyql wrote

Do you think vaccines didn't dramatically decrease the spread of COVID and didn't dramatically decrease hospitalizations?


Sarcofaygo t1_j2av91h wrote

#Covid is no longer mainly a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Here’s why.

For the first time, a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine.

Fifty-eight percent of coronavirus deaths in August [2022] were people who were vaccinated or boosted, according to an analysis conducted for The Health 202 by Cynthia Cox, vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation.


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2avx6t wrote

That's because so many people were vaccinated! The pools are different sizes. It would be much worse if they weren't vaccinated.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2aw94o wrote

>That's because so many people were vaccinated!

Shouldn't that make it more effective, not less?


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2ax4e4 wrote

If 300 million people are vaccinated and 42 people aren't vaccinated, and 58 vaccinated people die and all 42 unvaccinated people die, then 58% of the deaths would be in vaccinated people, but obviously vaccination makes the most statistical sense. This isn't hard.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2b0gfd wrote

It's 58%, not 58 people. Jesus.


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2b12pl wrote

Look at my example genius. In my example, using exaggerated numbers, it's 58% too. I used exaggerated numbers to explain why 58% of deaths being vaccinated isn't that big a deal when the vast majority of people are vaccinated.

If 80+% of the population is vaccinated, but just over 50% of deaths are in vaccinated people, that still tells you that unvaccinated people are a disproportionate share of the deaths, which tells you getting vaccinated is the smart thing to do.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2b1e38 wrote

It's so "smart" that as of August 2022 you are statistically more likely to die of covid if you are vaccinated than if you are unvaccinated πŸ’€

At the very least, this illustrates how stupid it'd be to mandate the vaccine, and why it should be a personal choice.

Biden had it right initially when he ran on NO vaccine mandate for covid. πŸ˜‡


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2b21aw wrote

Holy shit you are bad at math. The example I gave (and reality) show that you are more likely to die from COVID if you are unvaccinated. A higher percentage of the unvaccinated population dies from COVID, period. You just can't seem to comprehend that the vaccinated population is just much larger than the unvaccinated population.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2b4re5 wrote

You are bad at medicine if you think that the majority of covid deaths being vaccinated is a positive development. The vaccines have failed. And you are clearly frustrated about it which is why you want people to be forced injected like some sort of horror movie. It won't work, but it will make you feel better, I guess.


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2b80xo wrote

So by your logic, if 100% of the population were vaccinated, and then one person died from COVID, meaning 100% of COVID deaths were in vaccinated people, then no one should be vaccinated because they obviously don't work? You are staggeringly bad at understanding basic math and statistics that I suspect you're beyond help.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2awj5u wrote

> The pools are different sizes. It would be much worse if they weren't vaccinated.

It doesn't get much worse than dying!

58% of covid deaths in August 2022 were vaccinated. Woof


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2awnqm wrote

No, the number of people dying would be higher. Don't be obtuse.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2b0osm wrote

At this point your "argument" is

"If you aren't vaccinated and get covid and die, it's cause you didn't get vaccinated"

"If you ARE vaccinated and get covid and die, you are still dead, but at least you were a good person for getting vaccinated"



DrMonkeyLove t1_j2b2890 wrote

No, it's that statistically, you are much less likely to die from COVID if you are vaccinated. You just failed math class and can't understand how to read the report you linked.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2b4frf wrote

Even if you actually believe that, vaccination is a choice people should be allowed to make themselves.

Biden and Kamala had it right before the election when they ran on no covid vaccine mandate.

If the vaccination actually works, then you should be protected regardless, and thus anyone skeptical of the vaccine doesn't need to be strapped down and forcibly injected like some sort of Stephen King horror movie. As you apparently advocate.

But as it currently stands, most covid deaths are vaccinated, statistically. Woof.


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2b8ylu wrote

>But as it currently stands, most covid deaths are vaccinated, statistically. Woof

That's because vaccinated people make up 80+% of the population (and 97% with at least one dose)! That means the less than 20% unvaccinated population makes up 42% of the deaths! Which shows being unvaccinated is fucking dumb.

I can't try and teach someone basic math over the Internet. I'm sorry your 7th grade math teacher failed you so badly.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2bakqh wrote

Shouldn't the majority of covid deaths be unvaccinated if vaccine prevents death? πŸ₯²πŸ₯²

It's almost like people shouldn't be forcibly pinned down and forced to take the injection!

I'm so happy that isn't the case, despite your wishes. Not even China does that and they are a dictatorship.


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2bbkgk wrote

Wow. Just wow. You can't comprehend that the vast majority of people are vaccinated. Like, you just don't understand how this basic math works. I give up. I can't try anymore. You fail at understanding basic math. Let me try saying it a different way: a much higher percentage of the unvaccinated population dies from COVID than does the vaccinated population. Period. That's a fact. Your 58% number doesn't mean shit given that so many more people are vaccinated than are not. But you just don't get basic math.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2bbvg4 wrote

You don't get basic human rights if you think people should be forced to take a vaccine that doesn't stop the spread (supposedly lockdowns were until we all got vaccinated to "stop the spread") and even more embarrassingly, doesn't even stop death.

Im glad that your dream of people being forcibly injected didn't come true. Better luck next pandemic.

Even if everyone got forcibly injected by unspecified government officials, it wouldn't stop the spread. Because the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission. It wouldn't even stop deaths from covid. Vaccinated people still drop dead from the disease.


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2be793 wrote

>It wouldn't even stop deaths from covid. Vaccinated people still drop dead from the disease.

Sigh. At a significantly lower rate, but you go right ahead and keep ignoring that fact.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2bi5ya wrote

Does that justify people being strapped down a table and forcibly injected? What if they are immunocomprimised and can't safely take the vaccine? What if they have pre existing heart conditions?

Im guessing you didn't think that far into it


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2djifr wrote

Well, considering zero people have been strapped down and given a COVID shot, your point is moot. But do I think people in healthcare should be required to get a vaccine to continue their employment? Yes, duh.

Oh hey, guess what, if you have a preexisting heart condition, you're better off getting a vaccine because the complications from getting COVID are likely to be worse than that of the vaccine. But you know, science.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2dkohp wrote

>Well, considering zero people have been strapped down and given a COVID shot, your point is moot.

Thats your point. You said that people should be made to get the covid vaccine

>But do I think people in healthcare should be required to get a vaccine to continue their employment? Yes, duh.

What's the point of that when the CDC said that covid positive employees can return to work before fully recovering? I recall there was an outbreak at Slater Memorial hospital due to that policy.

>Oh hey, guess what, if you have a preexisting heart condition, you're better off getting a vaccine because the complications from getting COVID are likely to be worse than that of the vaccine.

Doesn't this falsely assume that getting the vaccine prevents someone from getting covid? πŸ€”

You already previously admitted that Joe Biden was misinformed when he said taking the vaccine means you won't get covid. Now you are saying the same false) thing. Woof.

> But you know, science.

You just misinterpreted the science and falsely implied that someone with a heart condition who gets the vaccine will not get covid.

This was a talking point from a while ago which falsely implies that taking the vaccine or getting covid is a binary either/or. It's clearly not.

  • Joe Biden
  • Jill Biden
  • Kamala Harris
  • Bill Clinton
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Bill Gates
  • Anthony Fauci

All of the above got covid while fully vaccinated and boosted.

So much for....

>Oh hey, guess what, if you have a preexisting heart condition, you're better off getting a vaccine because the complications from getting COVID are likely to be worse than that of the vaccine.

Getting the vaccine does not prevent someone with or without a heart condition from getting covid. It's not an either/or.

But you don't know science.


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2dl7c8 wrote

It doesn't 100% COVID and no one in the scientific community ever claimed it did. It greatly lessened the severity of the disease if you did catch it though, but you just ignore that fact over and over again. I can't continue this conversation anymore. You're too far gone down the anti-science rathole to help. You're going to live the rest of your life in profound ignorance I fear.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2do6pe wrote

You just said that getting a vaccine prevents covid entirely

>Oh hey, guess what, if you have a preexisting heart condition, you're better off getting a vaccine because the complications from getting COVID are likely to be worse than that of the vaccine.

The same false thing that Biden said.

#President Biden tests positive for COVID, a year after he said vaccines prevent infections

Which you previously admitted was false.

Vaccines do not prevent infections yet you falsely imply that they do for patients with heart conditions. Not true. πŸ‘


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2dp341 wrote

Wow. You actually did fail English. You clearly don't know what "complication" means in medicine and you lack basic reading comprehension. All the things I said are true and are independent of each other.

A person with heart disease should get the vaccine.

A person with heart disease who is vaccinated will likely have a better outcome if they get COVID.

A person with heart disease who gets vaccinated is less likely to catch COVID.

A person with heart disease who is unvaccinated and catches COVID is much more likely to have a serious form of the disease that may require hospitalization and may lead to death.

Please pay careful attention to the use of the word "likely" and look it up in a dictionary if you need to.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2dprps wrote

That's not what you initially said. You initially gave me the Joe Biden style misinformation that vaccines prevent covid full stop

>Oh hey, guess what, if you have a preexisting heart condition, you're better off getting a vaccine because the complications from getting COVID are likely to be worse than that of the vaccine.

#President Biden tests positive for COVID, a year after he said vaccines prevent infections

Biden had the compilications of the vaccine AND the complications of COVID. A 2 for 1 special!


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2dr257 wrote

That's literally exactly what I said, you just can't understand basic English it seems. The sentence I wrote means that whatever vaccine side effects you have plus whatever symptoms you have if you do get COVID are likely going to be overall better than what happens if you are unvaccinated and get COVID. That's it, and that is a fact backed by empirical scientific data.

So that means Joe Biden likely had a much better outcome from being vaccinated and dealing with whatever side effects he had from the vaccines than he would have if he caught COVID and was unvaccinated.

This isn't hard. Try reading beyond a 1st grade level and see if that helps.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2droyp wrote

Nope nope nope πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ

You said either/or. Either you get covid, OR you get vaccinated.

That falsely implies getting the vaccine means you won't get covid

Yet health care workers who were fully vaccinated still got covid

And were then told by the CDC they could go back to work while "asymptomatic" lmao

Where they of course... spread covid while vaccinated.



DrMonkeyLove t1_j2dtxq3 wrote

No, I didn't. Now you're just making up things you think I said to try and justify your baseless argument. Now you're just delusional.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2dzeaz wrote

I think you are delusional to think that mandating health care workers gets vaccinated would change anything when fully vaccinated health care workers can still catch and spread the disease

#COVID-positive employees can work after Eleanor Slater Hospital declares staffing 'crisis'

4 days later....

#Outbreak reported at Rhode Island hospital after Covid-positive, asymptomatic staff asked to work



DrMonkeyLove t1_j2dzupd wrote

No, no, no, I want you to address that you're lying about what I said. Why do you have to lie about what I said? Why are you lying? Why should I have any conversation with a blatant liar?