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[deleted] t1_j11bugp wrote



[deleted] t1_j11dznv wrote

And wrecks his pipes in the process


HeadyBeersBrah t1_j11fk09 wrote

Right? It's gotten very cold, amazing his pipes don't freeze.


MuchachoManSavage t1_j11tnlb wrote

Part of my house has no insulation. My pipes have frozen several times but it has always been below 5 degrees. This guy should be fine until mid January.


magnoliasmanor t1_j1222w9 wrote

Depends if it's leaky/breezy. 29° with a light breeze through the outside wall and it'll freeze a pipe in no time.


SpicyClownfish t1_j13onqw wrote

In the article it states he leaves his water constantly running at a drip a second or so to prevent it


12stringPlayer t1_j13w8j3 wrote

He's going to be surprised when he finds that trick doesn't work.


Blackbird8919 t1_j14m8ri wrote

Well he's been doing it for years so I guess you better go tell him it hasn't been working. 🙄 Idiot.


12stringPlayer t1_j14qj1p wrote

It'll work... until it doesn't, especially at his drip per second flow rate. A steady trickle is recommended to help keep pipes from freezing but even then a deep cold snap can still freeze them up.


degggendorf t1_j15rko6 wrote

I thought it was more about providing pressure relief for when they do freeze, like in this This Old House clip:


12stringPlayer t1_j168b74 wrote

That too, if you're thawing pipes you absolutely want to open the faucets as they thaw out, especially if you're using a heat gun/hair dryer to thaw them out.


degggendorf t1_j16jgvy wrote

That's the opposite of what the video showed, it shows the pressure rise from the pipes freezing.


Full-Supermarket t1_j11x8sj wrote

His poor pipes indeed. Is he very rich? He’s destroying his house for attention.


Throwaway1231200001 t1_j11z5ik wrote

Exactly. Dude saving a bit on heat at the potential expense of water damage and new pipes


Distinct-Ad5751 t1_j11su3h wrote

He does this every year and he produces reliable weather forecasts, especially in So County. This media exposure doesn’t really add to his followers.


[deleted] t1_j11u4t8 wrote



Distinct-Ad5751 t1_j120wdx wrote

Eh. He’s a pretty humble guy, if he wanted attention he has the resources and network to be more than he is. I’m all for pointing out the Try Guy but he’s not it.


Beezlegrunk t1_j12u2y1 wrote

News flash: Agreeing to be interviewed by the local TV station is not shunning the spotlight …