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HeadyBeersBrah t1_j11fk09 wrote

Right? It's gotten very cold, amazing his pipes don't freeze.


MuchachoManSavage t1_j11tnlb wrote

Part of my house has no insulation. My pipes have frozen several times but it has always been below 5 degrees. This guy should be fine until mid January.


magnoliasmanor t1_j1222w9 wrote

Depends if it's leaky/breezy. 29° with a light breeze through the outside wall and it'll freeze a pipe in no time.


SpicyClownfish t1_j13onqw wrote

In the article it states he leaves his water constantly running at a drip a second or so to prevent it


12stringPlayer t1_j13w8j3 wrote

He's going to be surprised when he finds that trick doesn't work.


Blackbird8919 t1_j14m8ri wrote

Well he's been doing it for years so I guess you better go tell him it hasn't been working. 🙄 Idiot.


12stringPlayer t1_j14qj1p wrote

It'll work... until it doesn't, especially at his drip per second flow rate. A steady trickle is recommended to help keep pipes from freezing but even then a deep cold snap can still freeze them up.


degggendorf t1_j15rko6 wrote

I thought it was more about providing pressure relief for when they do freeze, like in this This Old House clip:


12stringPlayer t1_j168b74 wrote

That too, if you're thawing pipes you absolutely want to open the faucets as they thaw out, especially if you're using a heat gun/hair dryer to thaw them out.


degggendorf t1_j16jgvy wrote

That's the opposite of what the video showed, it shows the pressure rise from the pipes freezing.