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WeatherInRI OP t1_j11akk4 wrote

Still going strong đŸ’Ș


DaddyBrown t1_j11j2f1 wrote

Rhode Island Man trying to outdo Florida Man, and losing.


Akestrel1987 t1_j11ji7z wrote

I still have a window fan in... Still sitting at a comfortable 62 average in my 2nd floor apartment


kannnnngggggggg t1_j11jvya wrote

Having a warm place to rest should be a basic human right. We live in a world with more billionaires than we need and here we are, testing the limits of how long we can keep the heat off in a household while people freeze to death outside.

Happy holidays.


gradontripp t1_j11lbei wrote

We still haven’t turned our heat on. We both run warm, and the temps in our place haven’t gone below the low- to mid-60s. Once it hits 59, I call it and turn the heat on, though. No need to be uncomfortable.


jeffbudz t1_j11memm wrote

Tell me you’re not married without telling me you’re not married.

(edit : spelling)


gradontripp t1_j11n05r wrote

We live in a three family that was gut remodeled before we moved in back in 2019, so it has decent insulation. Plus the upstairs and downstairs neighbors sharing what physics insists they must. And my wife loves to cook, so the stove or oven is running at least a few minutes every day, and that releases ambient heat.


leavingthecold t1_j11ozzw wrote

Would you do this in a single family house?


jahbuu t1_j11ytqb wrote

How is this a story? Young people today, As a Kid in 70's Newport you knew it was close to Christmas when you could see your breath in bed at night and before shower in morning.


Vertchewal t1_j121k6u wrote

It’s bad for your house to not run the heat/keep the pipes from freezing. You’re not taking cold showers lol


ChiefinLasVegas t1_j123xgo wrote

the kind of content i need. thanks for posting OP


StinkyDingus63 t1_j12ayli wrote

I live on the second floor of a three floor apartment. It’s always relatively warm and we don’t have to turn the heat on. But I can never he in a cold house or apartment, I would rather pay the extra money and he comfortable. But if this dude ain’t hurting anyone then who cares if he hasn’t turned his heat on yet. If he has kids and pets it’d be a different story.


beholder95 t1_j12gb0x wrote

Anyone else thinking it would be great if this guys heat doesn't work when he goes to turn it on?


ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_j12h6wa wrote

mildly interesting, but realistically either people don't care because they live somewhere warm, or you're gonna get flooded by people from Minneapolis and Fargo that talk about how 30F is shorts weather.

>While his house is cold, Chevalier warms up at work, stores or local restaurants.

yeah if you're actually cold and doing other stuff to stay warm, you probably didn't save any money in the end.


orm518 t1_j12pdmi wrote

Don’t show this to my dad.


Spaday20 t1_j136vxj wrote

Who wants to be dressed like that inside your home?


degggendorf t1_j13nn8x wrote

One weird trick to save money on heat: buy a second house and heat it year round so you don't have to live in your cold, unheated house!

(edit for several typos, I really need to proofread better when I'm writing from my phone)


LilOrganicCoconut t1_j146j1f wrote

U/WeatherInRI would have loved to see you use this as an opportunity to bring awareness to, raise money for, or just simply humanize people who actually don’t have the comfort or warmth or access to safety this Winter. But enjoy your cold house, I guess :)


MargaretDumont t1_j14age3 wrote

There are plenty of people who are either homeless or can't afford to heat their homes. This seems like a really tone deaf "challenge."


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j14dd9o wrote

This dude is why we need to seriously rethink anti-bullying campaigns. This "theatre kid but I don't actually do anything" bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud in adolescence.


Akestrel1987 t1_j14gcq1 wrote

Because I'm using physics to my advantage? Heat rises first off and second the building is old and has cracks and holes where air comes out of. Most of the air I am taking from is from the attic.


MargaretDumont t1_j14gnju wrote

Heat rises, so most of the heat you are taking is from the attic. Sure.

You're letting your neighbor pay to heat your home and you're letting all the heat that they pay for go out the window. It is much more expensive to pay their heating bill because of you and you are doing it intentionally. It is a rotten selfish thing to do and you should be ashamed.


MargaretDumont t1_j14ij8h wrote

Cool. That doesn't change the fact that you're bragging about having your heat off while siphoning off your neighbor and keeping your windows open while you do it to make it even worse. Your electronic devices are not heating your apartment. Your neighbor is.


12stringPlayer t1_j14qj1p wrote

It'll work... until it doesn't, especially at his drip per second flow rate. A steady trickle is recommended to help keep pipes from freezing but even then a deep cold snap can still freeze them up.


karvus89 t1_j14spps wrote

Lol what if the pipes freeze? Wouldn’t it cost more to fix that than to actually use heat?


Sacred286 t1_j14ujh4 wrote

to those who keep saying “pipes damaged while rich”. remember that there are many ways to keep your pipes safe during the cold mind your he may or probably has pex or another resistant pipe material in place


fully_amazing t1_j14w5gj wrote

I did the same thing over the summer, except I was out of the country for exactly a month. I have a Navion Combination boiler. Connected to 2 nest that control the heat. I do not have central air. I only have window units. No one used the gas or electricity during that month. The only thing that I turned on (at night from 9PM-6AM) Were my Nest Cameras. I still got a bill for 130.00.


debasing_the_coinage t1_j155tus wrote

Wouldn't this rather be an indication that global warming is getting more pronounced?


Fred_Sav4ge t1_j160f1h wrote

This guy is a dumbass. The pipes will freeze and burst.