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HighPlainsDrifting t1_j16jg2z wrote

Go do something fun and silly like bowling. If that goes good get some dinner.


DeanOMiite t1_j18xy8b wrote

Only thing I don't like about bowling is you get up, she gets up, you get up, she gets up. Tough got talking. Never worked for me.


Anonymike7 t1_j1643bi wrote

Where are you located? Ice skating or ice bumper cars at Kennedy Plaza?


SecretHome3315 OP t1_j1648jb wrote

I’m located in providence but it doesn’t really matter the drive


Anonymike7 t1_j166uci wrote

Planetarium show at Roger Williams Park, or a walk around Thayer St. and the Brown campus. Electromagnetic Pinball Museum, in Pawtucket.


FNicole86 t1_j16vdvj wrote

I second Planetarium! Dave and busters is a fun idea too.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j18ex4g wrote

There’s a pinball museum in P’tuck??


Anonymike7 t1_j18f3w5 wrote

Yes, it's tucked away in one of the old factory buildings near the highway!

$10, play-all-day entry, with dozens of machines from the 50s through modern day, plus a bunch of arcade cabinets.


MattyMoo728 t1_j19wuz5 wrote

Electromagnetic Pinball is my favorite place to be, highly recommend


DonnyBomeneddy t1_j17414k wrote

The drive doesn't matter?

Either she's really special or you aren't from RI. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Affectionate_Till_62 t1_j19gr9g wrote

I’m from ri and will drive more than just 20 minutes when I lived out west 40 minutes and you might be still in same town


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j167znu wrote

LaSalette in Attleboro has free Christmas Light display


LionMcTastic t1_j16lumw wrote

And the hour it takes to get in the parking lot will give them plenty of time to get to know each other lol


radioflea t1_j17dl7v wrote

Yep! Then go to Briggs for dinner afterwards.


UncleJimmee t1_j16cp1x wrote

Roger Williams botanical gardens are cool in winter


HotConcrete t1_j16i6xx wrote

If you’re biologically inclined, the nature lab at RISD is free and open to the public (but you need to make a reservation). It’s like a tiny natural history museum but you can touch the specimens.


Username78888 t1_j1736b2 wrote

It says for risd members?


HotConcrete t1_j187eva wrote

“We are once again allowing visitors from the public, but please note that RISD requires all visitors to wear a face mask.“


Environmental_Dog665 t1_j186pxm wrote

Take her to see the lights at the RWP Zoo.

It’s very cool, romantic, and they have a s’mores station half way through.


RandallFaraday t1_j19txog wrote

Second. A first date where you’re walking is a big win: you’re together, can talk, and are facing the same direction. A dinner or similar can be stressful for a first date having so much time face to face


MaxrayMan t1_j16zduk wrote

Back in the day I would take dates to Coffee Exchange on Wickenden st in providence, or dinner then up to Pastiche for dessert.


Salmoninthewell t1_j179j11 wrote

Pastiche is legit. Unfortunately Coffee Exchange isn’t allowing any indoor customers while they renovate.


Happy-Grapefruit-5 t1_j17wc1y wrote

they actually reopened at the end of last month!


Salmoninthewell t1_j19e319 wrote

Oh, good, I’m glad to hear that. It was a bummer not to be able to go in last time I was there.


bonnarocz0926 t1_j17dpkf wrote

Aside from La Salette in Attleboro being a free holiday light show, I would say ice skating. If you're both bad, it's a great time. If one of you skates, it works on your communication and patience skills.


Delgado-Jonathan t1_j17mi3x wrote

Bowling, mini golfing, rock climbing, paint night, museum, etc. considering the weather these next few days anything indoors is probably better. Good luck 👍🏽


FriesNDisguise t1_j17zch3 wrote

You can drive around and check out the lights


FieryVegetables t1_j187xvy wrote

Good ideas here, but I especially like this one - we did a run to EP last night and saw 2 excellent houses timed to music, and the previous night, a bunch of them in Warwick. The news sites list the current ones.


saucyB52 t1_j16wpfx wrote

dont forget to smile at her, waT EVR U DO


geffe71 t1_j16gi5u wrote

Papa Genos in………. Oh shit, wrong sub


tusk354 t1_j16wye7 wrote

go do something fun , like archery


bonnarocz0926 t1_j17e2px wrote

Xspot archery in north Attleboro is a great spot if you choose this route


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j18f2k1 wrote

It’s fun but not a huge space so not really blend in kinda let’s spend time together - also depending on your politics the hunting animals decor may be a turn Off. Just saying. Having said that it’s totally fun!


SDVNova t1_j170c12 wrote

I’ve skating bro


Ctasch t1_j188xrt wrote

If there’s a similar interest you both have start with that.


Bronnakus t1_j18b25v wrote

If you’re going the dinner route: split a casertas pizza then hit pastiche. Doing something: bowling pretty much anywhere then a restaurant near the alley is a very safe move


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j18f4cq wrote

Ice skating or bowling. The bumper cars at KP are overrated but skating is good.


poseyjava t1_j1aogr7 wrote

lasallette shrine lights in attleboro, then go to bliss for an ice cream.


YodaHead t1_j185yc4 wrote

Grab some dinner at one of the College Town places. Maybe a coffee house, if there is anything worth a damn.

Keep it simple, ask questions, don't go overboard, and have a great time.


TadpoleMajor t1_j18es47 wrote

Dinner and a walk under the lights in downtown Westerly!


rendrag099 t1_j18otf9 wrote

Free Play Arcade is always a fun time if that's the kind of stuff you're into.


refuz04 t1_j18ryny wrote

Duckpin bowling!


DeanOMiite t1_j18y2uc wrote

Hibachi is a good time. I've been to Fuji at the corner of at wells and dean a bunch of times and I like it a lot


enjrolas t1_j1948hi wrote

take her ice skating! The rink in Providence is open. Perfect first-date activity!


iamabanannna t1_j19i9fe wrote

Went to roger williams park zoo to walk around the lake and look at all the Christmas lights. It was delightful. Highly suggest.


Hanamii- t1_j19ioz8 wrote

I like Dave and Busters, it’s fun and competitive and you get to get her a prize at the end. Unsure if there’s an age requirement though?


PantsPoopington t1_j19o5du wrote

Grab some coffees at the coffee exchange on wickenden st, chat it up, if all goes well, cross the street and hit up felinis for a great pizza!


CeloRAW t1_j19yzao wrote

Bro… no to ice skating. Y’all will be freezing cold and odds are have no skill on the ice which leave room for possible injury and looking incompetent. Bowling is ehhhh I would do that.

I would say take her to a bakery on federal hill and get hot chocolate and pastries. Just find a cozy spot and talk. Pastiche is good for that.


tusk354 t1_j1c8p6s wrote

another idea - check out apex , in marlboro ma .

escape rooms, laser tag, trampoline park, axe throwing , vr gaming ..


BBKing-13 t1_j18ybmq wrote

Go to the movies and split a large popcorn. It takes some of the pressure away to make conversation as you’ll be watching the movie. It may also give you opportunities for a kiss or some hand on the knee kinda thing.

Avon Cinema on Thayer looks cooler than most theater chains, but really it depends on what you’d like to watch.


agrotourism_ t1_j190kbo wrote

Boston aquarium if you want to brave the big city


Ambitious_Lie_2065 t1_j19rwl5 wrote

Providence mall? Really busy right now but looks beautiful inside during the holidays


kjm1968 t1_j189xg2 wrote

Stink pinkie


TheBerric t1_j16u007 wrote

drive around and get stoned
