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Mother-Pen t1_j1ksu43 wrote

If you're staying at one of the mills/lofts building you will be fine. Providence can be really street specific. Most of that area is fine, and providence is far safer than many other cities in general.


canibringmydog t1_j1m0j1g wrote

I can’t speak on your specific location but I have lived in a lot of dodgy areas in my life (outside of New England) - my neighbors in these locations were so kind, so welcoming and looked out for each other. It’s so strange the mentality out here that in poorer neighborhoods everyone is out to get you. Like crime exists in cities, wherever you are.


PipeLayer2016 t1_j1mv58r wrote

If you aren't looking for trouble you won't find it in most neighborhoods, good or bad. Now if you are looking for drugs or sex, that is a different story. Definitely good people in the valley.


Darwinknew t1_j1nrwom wrote

Had that conversation with my brother yesterday. Travel outside the country as much as I can. Belize, Copenhagen, Puerta Plata, Tallinn, St. Petersburgh. Everywhere are great people. Went into a few sketchy areas. Never felt threatened. Grew up in a fairly rough neighborhood (Elmwood) in the 70's, so I pay attention to what's going on around me. Be aware. That being said, Valley St. can be sketchy


ALittleBlip t1_j1kq35j wrote

Personally I think any part of Providence is fine to live alone but valley st is definitely one of the sketchiest. As a native, tho, I really feel like you’ll be fine regardless of where you are, but compared to any other part of prov, valley is one of the least pretty.


PipeLayer2016 t1_j1ljewp wrote

It's safe. My biggest complaints are that it's kinda dirty and the lack of grocery stores and coffee shops. Tacos are good though


LauraPalmersMom430 t1_j1mms36 wrote

New Harvest is fantastic though.


PipeLayer2016 t1_j1mum9g wrote

Looks great! I will make a point to go. But I don't really think people living in the valley consider that bourgeois section to be the valley. Not really reflective of the neighborhood when you drop into the winter farmers market


Previous_Floor t1_j1o6943 wrote

>But I don't really think people living in the valley consider that bourgeois section to be the valley.

Sims Ave is absolutely Valley. And it's "Valley", not "The Valley". Fantasies strip club is over there. Not exactly "bourgeois".

Also, you seem to be under the impression that all of Valley Street is Valley. It's not. All of Valley Street south of Atwells is Olneyville, not Valley.

This is Valley


Edit: If I recall correctly, you're also the guy who said Carpenter Street isn't Federal Hill. You need to learn the Providence neighborhoods.


SpruceLee-77 t1_j1lr7dt wrote

You probably wont be unsafe, but out of all the places to select in Providence i think it's one of the worse options. Ugly looking and not much cheaper than looking elsewhere in the city


PipeLayer2016 t1_j1mvdbl wrote

It's way cheaper. My beautiful mill building apartment was way less than any comparable place


lightningbolt1987 t1_j1n07ko wrote

There’s also tons of cool places to patronize: farm fresh, new harvest, isco, revival, dusk, various artist collectives, waterfire arts center, steel yard, garden of Eden, Nolan’s, etc etc.


LauraPalmersMom430 t1_j1mmzwe wrote

Anyone saying this neighborhood isn’t safe doesn’t live in Providence city or is a Brown student. It’s perfectly safe and seemingly up and coming, very centrally located to either the west end or east side.


PipeLayer2016 t1_j1mvqes wrote

Amen 🙏. The hardest thing about living here is the lack of a good grocery store, all the best restaurants barely speak English, and too few banks.


Wide_Television_7074 t1_j1naygf wrote

“Too few banks” lol what… ok boomer


PipeLayer2016 t1_j1w2xdg wrote

Well, if you don't want to or can't drive to the bank or a grocery store, it's not a good neighborhood for people without a car or who reply on public transport. Such a boomer thing to say, I guess.


lightningbolt1987 t1_j1n0c17 wrote

But you can get a lot of your produce and what not at farm fresh each week—I wish I was walking distance to a great farmers market


mar1293 t1_j1mr0v2 wrote

If it’s the lofts you will be fine!


_-finstall-_ t1_j1lzp10 wrote

If you have to ask, you already know the answer!


Wide_Television_7074 t1_j1nb7sz wrote

it’s mayhem…. Lived in Olneyville… it’s loud, full of traffic and fumes, and vagrants — my suggestion is look in Pawtuxet, EP even


Orangefan71 t1_j1oiubl wrote

Valley is the ghetto. No way any of these folks talking the area up actually live there, or know it beyond seeing a show at the Steel Yard or perhaps the Living Room back in the day.


Dextrous456 t1_j22aooi wrote

Wow, these comments, based on who knows what supposition. If you're asking about "the Valley" then you're probably talking about the area around Valley Street between Dean St/Pleasant Valley Pkwy and Atwells. Beyond that, it's Olneyville. The converted mills in that area are pretty popular and there isn't much crime.

If you mean the "Valley" neighborhood as defined by the city as one of its 25 neighborhoods, then you can probably find crime statistics for the neighborhood. It doesn't seem like there are any commenters from the neighborhood on this thread.


BingBong022 t1_j1kw9i5 wrote

Why do you want to live in the ghetto?
