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Status_Silver_5114 t1_j68t5np wrote

Several folks have asked this in the last 2-3 weeks in this r/. Search those and let us know if you have any questions after that.


Pdmnt t1_j69073y wrote

But why won't you just do all of the work for me? Also, where are the New York bagels and why is nothing here as good as them? Why isn't all of the food as good as where I'm from? Why are the gas bills so high? Traffic is horrible but no one knows traffic like I know it because I'm from [metropolis] and you are not as tough as me. Why do houses cost so much? Where can I buy a 3/2 near the water with great public schools and no commute for under 150k? Road conditions here are snow salt bad driving Derek Jeter bagels PIZZA HIGH COST NEW JERSEY SOPRANOS


zjanderson t1_j69gsrc wrote

This needs to be the default answer to every question posted in r/RhodeIsland and r/Providence.


bungocheese t1_j6a6wu7 wrote

Don't move here from ny and hike our prices up more. Stay there.


PokemonRex OP t1_j6a7fcn wrote

No reason for me to worry about your well being just get paid more. Thanks for your two cents though.


bungocheese t1_j6agjlo wrote

Just what we need, more entitled douchebags.


PokemonRex OP t1_j6agriy wrote

Coming from the one giving rude remarks from the start. Than cry's about it. Real soft of you


bungocheese t1_j6avpnd wrote

I wasn't rude until you were, I stated a fact that we don't need more people moving here for no other reason than to take advantage of our relatively cheaper real estate especially with no idea of our state.


United-Broccoli-5505 t1_j6hqcld wrote

That's why people usually move, though. For a better life? Granted OPs response was rude, but come on guy.


bungocheese t1_j6hwpel wrote

better life for him and continue to make life harder for those that actually need it and/or are contributing to RI.


PokemonRex OP t1_j6aw1yv wrote

That's just your opinion. 3.5% vacancy of the state says other wise and nothing wrong with me wanting more space for my money for my growing family. So yes it is rude because your just saying your opinion as a fact. Regardless if prices are going up your vacancy in RI is still high relative to others in the north east.


bungocheese t1_j6b4aoq wrote

You are coming here working from home for a company likely out of state and therefore contributing absolutely nothing to our state other than hiking up prices for the people that actually have a stake in where they live. Yeah you'll pay your taxes (with your money I'm sure you'll work on avoiding that too) but do nothing to advance anything here. Yeah we really don't need/want you. At least many of the people in high cost towns actually own businesses here or earned something here.


United-Broccoli-5505 t1_j6hs3b5 wrote

Resident here working remote for a company in Boston. If you think working remotely means someone doesn't contribute to a state, you are mistaken. This isn't the 1980s anymore, things are changing. Rhode Island doesn't have enough jobs to even sustain everybody, and people have been living in RI working in CT and Mass for years.


bungocheese t1_j6hw7x1 wrote

yes and instead of people that live and work and try to contribute to the state getting better it just turns into a place for people from other towns to sleep in. Yeah you pay taxes but do nothing to actually help. You get paid well working in boston because it's supposed to pay to live in boston, our median income in RI is lower and hiking up our real estate just because you can just hurts your neighbors but that doesn't matter to any of you so who am i to complain.


United-Broccoli-5505 t1_j6hwqys wrote

Bold of you to assume what I do outside of work, or even how my work can help RI as a whole in the long run. I still pay the difference in income taxes. You realize the income taxes is the only difference, right? My expanded income allows me to contribute more to the RI economy than before. Stop looking at remote work as so black and white.


aryawatching t1_j6hxedc wrote

What do you mean by not actually helping? Helping towards what? It sounds like cheaper housing but curious for clarification.


bungocheese t1_j6hxzia wrote

meaning helping our state become better for the residents of the state, working for a company in RI that employs people and pays well so that people that live here can actually afford to live here, or starting a company in RI that improves the lives of the residents in one way or another.


aryawatching t1_j6i4ttm wrote

People who work for companies whose HQ is in another state do contribute by paying state income taxes that go into local initiatives that help improve the state, property tax for local education, sales tax, and then shop at local businesses, buy local restaurants...all helping out local residents and out neighbors.

Think of the perspective that just because a company has an office or HQ in a specific city/state doesn't mean it only serves that city or state. Companies have interstate and global reaches and it doesn't matter where the office building is. It's like saying people who live in states outside of RI can't work for CVS because their HQ is in RI. I can live in RI and work for a company anywhere if the job permits it AND still contribute positively to the local community where I live.


PokemonRex OP t1_j6b56hk wrote

That's where you would be assuming. The i company is in RI but really none of your concern. You make it sound like I'm a cooperation lol why would I avoid taxes if that's the case I would do a 1032 buy out a block of land in the state pay zero taxes and house non profit business and avoid more taxes but I in no way have that means I'm just a person with a family lol. Your just cynical and finding a way to discourage people for going. Keep the politics to yourself. If you have a problem with how taxes are handled you take it up with your congressmen not families trying to do better for themselves. Just because I have the money doesn't make me rich which is the impression you seem to think.


pieceoffit t1_j6b8th1 wrote

Can't use corporation* & you're* correctly. Moving permission denied.


PokemonRex OP t1_j6b90jt wrote

More to the point I'm just a person. Lol you can see why I wanted education to be a priority. Hard being minority in any state I guess.


NoRepresentative5593 t1_j6eidld wrote

If you think you’re getting a hard time now, imagine how it’ll work for you if you move here. Jersey is probably a better option for you. Or PA.


PokemonRex OP t1_j6ekafg wrote

/s but thanks for the concern lol


NoRepresentative5593 t1_j6elf4n wrote

Sorry, I missed the part about being minority. Sarcasm aside, Barrington is known for race issues. I wouldn’t want my kids in the environment.


PokemonRex OP t1_j6emsbx wrote

I only put one offer in Barrington and one in Warwick. Found some good school district near dc as well. But might be going to Cambridge


NoRepresentative5593 t1_j6f1vs9 wrote

MA educational system is superior to RI; if you can find a place in Cambridge that would be ideal.


PokemonRex OP t1_j6f3mtl wrote

Yea just hard houses sell to fast is the issue. But RI better than NY and PA Jersey only a select few places really stand out the same


barsoapguy t1_j69dgyk wrote

You might be tempted to Move to Newport but I’ll just tell you now , summer traffic with all of the tourists just sucks.

Middletown is close to Newport and has basically everything,movie theater , Home Depot,BJ’s , all the fast food restaurants except for panda and the road structure is just SO much more convenient for getting around even in the tourist months

Portsmouth is very quaint , big yards, lots of homes have views of the water , plenty of parks. I just cannot stand how far away everything in modern life is.


Low-Dragonfly-5352 t1_j69kc37 wrote

The Darlington area of Pawtucket is actually really nice. It borders some shitty spots but the neighborhoods are great. Parks and baseball fields. Miles of paved bike tracks and some neat restaurants that have been there for decades. Quick jump back into Massachusetts. Quick shot to 95 and 295. It’s a hidden gem imo.


SuddenlySimple t1_j6a9edu wrote

Stay where you are overpriced and overrated


PokemonRex OP t1_j6aa6mf wrote

Just focus on your drinking problem and your small autos. Guessing I won't be in your area. Just mad I'm young with money. Just do better for yourself rather than worrying about others.


itslareng t1_j6axgeq wrote

Pretty sure this person is not taking a dig at you but expressing their belief that the state itself is overpriced and overrated. No need for such a wildly personally offensive remark. Though if you’re looking to live the stereotype of NY’ers moving to RI, you’re doing a great job lol


PokemonRex OP t1_j6az5hf wrote

I'm not even from NY I just live here. And plenty of people in the DM being rude just because I'm looking to move. Since when is it wrong to want better for my family. But to say RI is over priced when NYC and LA are defacto the most expensive places to live is really odd to keep reiterating. I'm not expecting it to be Ohio. But big reason to move is because education is better. NY education isn't all that good. Even if it is overpriced I should still be able to find something within my budget it's not like I'm being unrealistic. 1.2mil looking for 2/2. Barrington is looking like the option for schooling though


itslareng t1_j6biqg7 wrote

Saying something is overpriced doesn’t mean they’re saying it’s outside you’re budget. And doesn’t make their argument less valid. Property in RI IS over priced for the quality of what you’re getting in a lot of areas in the state. And just because other people are being rude in your DMs, there’s no need to come here and comment something completely out of line.


SuddenlySimple t1_j6aatzv wrote

Don't know what that response is about been here my whole life everywhere now is very expensive..beaches aren't as great as they make them out to be probably one of the highest taxed States...I do have a house in Warwick also RI is a sanctuary State..just my observations of Rhode Island last 10 yrs not so great much better places. Jealous? I have a blessed life if I was selling and moving it would be out of RI.


yajanikos t1_j6fqbmj wrote

There was absolutely nothing wrong with your response. Source: RI native


drewh130 t1_j69bzp8 wrote

Barrington is very close to the city and has the best schools in the state. Bike path runs right through the middle of it and water on 3 sides. Great place to raise a family.


itslareng t1_j6ax0ys wrote

You’d be happy in Westerly.


deadl0ckx2 t1_j6978yg wrote

Nowhere in RI besides some of the real middle-of-nowhere places like Burrillville and Foster is a far commute from good restaurants and entertainment.

Most importantly - what is your budget? The same house can cost almost twice as much in one area over another.


PokemonRex OP t1_j697mhx wrote

Budget is about 1.2mil. I just literally know nothing about the state


zjanderson t1_j69hi33 wrote

With that budget, I’d recommend Barrington, Westerly (near Watch Hill), or East Greenwich.


NoRepresentative5593 t1_j6eiob2 wrote

In all seriousness, real estate in Westerly is tight. OP might find something in Avondale, but WH isn’t in their price range (unless they want a beach cottage).


deadl0ckx2 t1_j69a1fi wrote

That’s a lot, wow.

It opens up almost everywhere. Your best bet is going to be either East Greenwich, Portsmouth/Jamestown/Little Compton, Barrington, and to a lesser degree, North Kingstown, South Kingstown, and Narragansett. Those are generally considered most of the best public school districts in the state. The homes are expensive, but with a budget of 1.2 million you’ll have a hard time going over budget.

There is other nice neighborhoods in other towns that you could certainly afford, but it’d probably be best to go there only if you’re okay with sending your kids to private school. Providence is a good example. The East Side is a wonderful neighborhood. But besides one school (Classical High School), the Providence Public Schools are a complete mess.


alohaHappycampers t1_j6bidx1 wrote

i hear Bristol is cool

I might go there wen it gets warmer and park my boat out there in the harbor n check yee ole townee's knickers out


Ri_Surf t1_j68z7ya wrote

Hi I moved from north NJ to Newport almost 2 years ago and have lived in Narragansett previously as well. I would be happy to chat about my experience with relocating here and connect you to some local resources if you want to DM me.


FancyPond t1_j6al0d7 wrote

Stay out of the Northeast if you want to have any sort of savings account. RI is one of the most expensive states to live in.


PokemonRex OP t1_j6alo3z wrote

Money isn't a concern nothing is going to be more expensive than owning a building in Manhattan. But I appreciate the concern. Just looking for more land


TimeSlipperWHOOPS t1_j6axrsu wrote

Providence and Warren have some great fucking food. Barrington is a wealthy suburb with good schools, East Greenwich is also good but a bit further on the opposite side of providence.


PokemonRex OP t1_j6ayjbz wrote

Yea I think between Barrington Warwick and east Greenwich is roughly where I'm looking now. Leaning more Barrington because education which is the reason for the move mostly. Seems to be right in my price range 1.2m range. Traveling and such is no big deal I work from home, and going into Providence isn't too important.

People seem to have a bad impression of NYers moving in for fun and thinking ny is better. But it's not I'm not from here originally, only here because of my wife. So I don't need any of the typical "city life stuff," which I guess is what seems to be others biggest gripe. Just looking to raise my family.


TimeSlipperWHOOPS t1_j6cbot4 wrote

I've got some coworkers who were born and raised in NYC who are so happy to be in providence. It's not impossible.


TimeSlipperWHOOPS t1_j6ek1pq wrote

Lots of doctors in Tiverton, too. Maybe Bristol might be fun for you?


PokemonRex OP t1_j6eknml wrote

Thanks I put some offers in already so let's see. 5 houses in RI 3 in VA and 6 in MA. Hopefully we narrow it down over the next few days but I'm excited.


yajanikos t1_j6fqyzz wrote

These areas are beautiful, but can be kinda isolating Driving more than 20-25 minutes is considered inconvenient in RI though so take that with a grain of salt, especially if folks are coming from heavier traffic cities like LA or NY. Public transportation isn’t ubiquitously convenient like NY though. And if you miss city life while in these towns, there’s the scary risk of a DUI after a night out for dinner date or a concert. With your budget, the east side can be an option and there are more options for great private schools vs the fewer options in barrington and EG + the convenience of being within the city


TheBeeGuy25 t1_j6b23yl wrote

Barrington, New Port, and Narragansett are all great places to live. If you want some land and wouldn't mind driving less than a half hour to either Providence or Worcester, Mass. With your budget, you can get a nice house with a lot of land in Cumberland, Lincoln, Smithfield, and North Smithfield. I would say at least 1 1/2 acres + for a new home and probably more land with an older house. Sorry I gave up my real estate license


PokemonRex OP t1_j6b2ems wrote

Barrington is kind of where I'm leaning atm. But still doing some research on areas RI isn't the only state I'm looking at but is one of the tops next to MA and CT


TheBeeGuy25 t1_j6csw1v wrote

Barrington is really nice. I know the people who were brought up in the Boston area can't afford the property prices in their own hometown, they move to RI for better prices. That has been happening since the 70s during the computer boom, they bought all along the border towns of RI. My cousin's son who works in Boston just bought a new home in the Foxborough area(better get your Patriots gear). I live close by too 146 so it's a lot easier to get to Providence or Worcester area. If you do work from home then you can pick the place to live. If you know anyone in the area call them up and spend the weekend at close by Hotel in whatever state/town you choose, go to different ones. Good Luck with your search.


EricaEquites1 t1_j6c57nd wrote

Hedricken is a great high school in an awkward location.
Classical shares a campus with Central, a very rough school. Its merit status has been gamed. Not all Providence private schools are good. Moses Brown is best, followed by Wheeler, PCD, and Lincoln. Lincoln doesn’t even offer AP classes at this time, and is lacking in academic rigor. They offer Preagelbra in ninth grade, which is not not competitive college prep. They haven’t sent a girl to Brown in three years. Lincoln was founded as a Pembroke feeder. Pembroke was the women’s division at Brown, subsumed many years ago. Private school is the way to go in Providence.


LittlestBokChoy t1_j6ek0gv wrote

Ok so I grew up all around pawtucket and went to school in prov( we’re on the border) but Attleboro MA has great schools and parks. It’s become more expensive to live here but it’s not the worst. I love it and the proximity to everything. Take 295 towards the RI beaches in the summer, it gets you around prov traffic.


PokemonRex OP t1_j6ekx0f wrote

I sent in offers around MA as well. Like by Quincy. I sent in a few offers hoping to narrow it down. Will be in the area middle of the week to take look at each.


LittlestBokChoy t1_j6ho4ie wrote

Attleboro is right on the commuter rail, so you can go both north and south with it! I’m so lucky about my location because I’m currently starting my job search and commuting to almost anywhere is relatively easy! I hope you guys find your home around here. southeast MA/ RI is honestly my favorite place to be. I grew up here and wouldn’t leave it for more than a vacation.


happy2beme4 t1_j6f0ndm wrote

Barrington, East Greenwich, and Cumberland are great towns with excellent schools.


Oblivious-abe-69 t1_j698qcb wrote

Lincoln/Cumberland/Smithfield area is nice, the schools there are way better than providence. It’s about 15-20 to the city, 45 mins to Boston, 30 to Worcester. Decent restaurants but the city is right there anyway. Lincoln state park is right there, swimming, trails ect. Blackstone bike trail.

Edit: it’s a thing on this sub that Rhode Island is “full”, in general the people are much nicer than the Reddit weirdos


Oblivious-abe-69 t1_j699l8x wrote

Also there’s some private school called Henderson that’s good and everybody hates


AbStRaCt1179 t1_j6cwl1y wrote

Burrillville is family friendly, good schools. Pascoag has its own non profit electric company, cheaper and better service than RI energy. Tons of ponds, hiking trails, bike path etc.


United-Broccoli-5505 t1_j6hqo0o wrote

OP, sorry for some people's initial responses here. I'd recommend Middletown or the East Greenwich/North Kingstown area since you can afford it. Close to the water near good restaurants, etc. You could probably even check out the east side of Providence, not East Providence. I'd recommend checking them out in both the summer and after Labor Day when the tourist leave. Just know winters can be long and boring when you stare at a gray ocean.

Also, a lot of people here are bitter about the sudden very sharp increase of COL here, so try not to poke the bear. It's happening all over New England as Boston expands, not just here.


PokemonRex OP t1_j6hqxmd wrote

I see that. Times are tough for everyone though it's just the reality unfortunately. How is Cranston education wise. SO seems to have found something she really liked there


United-Broccoli-5505 t1_j6hr7yd wrote

Education is okay there, but I'm not entirely too familiar with it but haven't heard anything bad. The east side of Cranston near Roger Williams/South Providence isn't the best, West Cranston is more wealthy/woods. You can drive around or even Google map drop in and see the difference. It's urban versus more suburban vibes.


PokemonRex OP t1_j6hs0ta wrote

Oh that makess lot of sense the houses were on the west side of Cranston. Early education seems alright from a glance much better than my current area. High school does not seem awful.