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SuddenlySimple t1_j6a9edu wrote

Stay where you are overpriced and overrated


PokemonRex OP t1_j6aa6mf wrote

Just focus on your drinking problem and your small autos. Guessing I won't be in your area. Just mad I'm young with money. Just do better for yourself rather than worrying about others.


itslareng t1_j6axgeq wrote

Pretty sure this person is not taking a dig at you but expressing their belief that the state itself is overpriced and overrated. No need for such a wildly personally offensive remark. Though if you’re looking to live the stereotype of NY’ers moving to RI, you’re doing a great job lol


PokemonRex OP t1_j6az5hf wrote

I'm not even from NY I just live here. And plenty of people in the DM being rude just because I'm looking to move. Since when is it wrong to want better for my family. But to say RI is over priced when NYC and LA are defacto the most expensive places to live is really odd to keep reiterating. I'm not expecting it to be Ohio. But big reason to move is because education is better. NY education isn't all that good. Even if it is overpriced I should still be able to find something within my budget it's not like I'm being unrealistic. 1.2mil looking for 2/2. Barrington is looking like the option for schooling though


itslareng t1_j6biqg7 wrote

Saying something is overpriced doesn’t mean they’re saying it’s outside you’re budget. And doesn’t make their argument less valid. Property in RI IS over priced for the quality of what you’re getting in a lot of areas in the state. And just because other people are being rude in your DMs, there’s no need to come here and comment something completely out of line.


SuddenlySimple t1_j6aatzv wrote

Don't know what that response is about been here my whole life everywhere now is very expensive..beaches aren't as great as they make them out to be probably one of the highest taxed States...I do have a house in Warwick also RI is a sanctuary State..just my observations of Rhode Island last 10 yrs not so great much better places. Jealous? I have a blessed life if I was selling and moving it would be out of RI.


yajanikos t1_j6fqbmj wrote

There was absolutely nothing wrong with your response. Source: RI native