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strugglebus984 t1_j5rbpj4 wrote

We had contracts on a few houses before we were finally able to purchase. In my experience, this is pretty common in RI. The real estate market is quite a bit more loose here. Very different here than many other states Many of the homes here are older and the sellers really don’t know the info. Even if your purchase isn’t contingent on an inspection, you can still have an inspection done and that should answer most of your questions.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j5t5xk4 wrote

Yeah but if the inspection is info only then whatever you find you can’t back out of the deal. Make it contingent.


Separate_Safe2779 OP t1_j5rc8ko wrote

Super helpful - thank you for the insight!


strugglebus984 t1_j5rci79 wrote

There are other differences too. Where I moved from, the rules were strict and followed to the letter. In RI it is definitely not that way.