Submitted by AdIll6974 t3_104wppb in RhodeIsland

my landlord uses quarters for laundry and it’s a huge pain. beyond going to a bank to get quarters, where have you been successful getting them? I haven’t been able to find a cash to quarter machine in ages.

I’ve tried supermarkets, other stores, etc. but basically stores won’t give out rolls anymore since COVID and the coin shortage.



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derpbeluga t1_j37b75s wrote

Can you get them from your landlord? They are stuck with all those quarters they take out of the machine.


AdIll6974 OP t1_j37e9fx wrote

Unfortunately not. They don’t come around often and one is currently having major health crisis


Bad-Habit-2020 t1_j38fi9k wrote

Im just seeing this comment so disregard my similar suggestion. So how do they get the coins out of the machines then?


Beru73 t1_j3a1t1a wrote

>Can you get them from your landlord?

That is money laundering


RandallFaraday t1_j37ebf9 wrote

beyond a bank? I feel like a bank would be the best place to exchange for rolls of quarters, would set you up for a long time


AdIll6974 OP t1_j37ejv7 wrote

Yeah, they get annoyed when asking too often


MissMystified t1_j37fme4 wrote

Don’t worry if they are annoyed or not. If you’re a customer of theirs, it’s literally their job to help you. If you don’t want to spring it on them in the moment, you can order them ahead of time. Call your local branch, let them know you need quarters. Order as much as you want and schedule a pick up.


RandallFaraday t1_j37f1ni wrote

yeah, I get that but dealing with money is their job right? if you feel self conscious get $50+ in cash and go to a random branch you’ve never been to. shouldn’t be a problem and 10+ rolls should last a while.


katieleehaw t1_j37flrk wrote

How is this possible? It’s a bank. They provide change as a service all the time.


Nevvermind183 t1_j37pbu3 wrote

There are businesses that go in every day and get large amounts of coin. Don’t worry about it.


BipolarChris t1_j39lwea wrote

I feel just as bad exchanging currency at a bank as I do ordering food from a restaurant.

I don't. Quite literally their job


Bad-Habit-2020 t1_j38f5y8 wrote

I can testify to the customer service person annoyed with me on couple of occasions. Before coin shortage, wasn't as bad.


LionMcTastic t1_j392n30 wrote

It's literally their job. Who cares if they get annoyed? Unless they don't have any, or are rationing them due to shortage, I wouldn't be concerned with the bank teller's feelings.


Dependent-Meet-8022 t1_j3ao589 wrote

Not as annoyed as when you bring them back a bag full unrolled. I used to go to a laundromat, but switched to doing clothes at my apartment complex, which uses a card system. Anyhow, I dropped in ten minutes before they closed. They handed me a bunch of wrappers and made me quickly roll them all myself. They were not pleased. :)


Dunder72 t1_j38xh7k wrote

You don't want to get banned. My friend got a 6 month ban from all bank withdrawals that involved coins from asking too much.


Xalenn t1_j38wwsd wrote

Ya, just go to the bank ... There are plenty of businesses that request change all the time. Go get like $100 in quarters if you feel like it's a pain to go more often


annecotalevidence t1_j37h8jf wrote

Put away enough stray carts at Aldi and you'll be able to do your laundry!


Dependent-Meet-8022 t1_j3apedd wrote

Bring a pair of pliers. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a quarter stuck in one of those things after the cart was properly connected.


huh_phd t1_j37eeja wrote

Buy a key to the coin trap in your washing machine. Leave bills and take quarters.


AdIll6974 OP t1_j37engv wrote

Hahahah I have honestly debated this


huh_phd t1_j37eu07 wrote

Another option is just to buy quarter sized and weighted aluminum slugs. All the quarter, none of the value. You can get a hundred of them for a few bucks.


AdIll6974 OP t1_j37f40g wrote

LOL sadly I actually like my landlords and don’t want to piss them off. They’re a nice elderly couple, so the key thing might be the better idea. Just reuse quarters already there!


huh_phd t1_j381831 wrote

Thats a good idea, hell even chip em an extra buck once in a while


nostragram t1_j37f6x4 wrote



wyldweasil t1_j38mrsx wrote

I used to alternate car washes each week to get quarters to do my wash. Like landlord could've also gotten a dollar bill changer but nah. Moved into a laundry in apartment deal and never looked back


AdIll6974 OP t1_j3asnmq wrote

I’m actually shocked at the amount of apartments around here that don’t have washer and dryer in unit. It’s insane


wyldweasil t1_j3bvh24 wrote

It's considered a luxury amenity. I know some apartments are like "washer and dryer hookup" like who's going 1 bedroom apartment to apartment hauling a washer and dryer around with them?


AdIll6974 OP t1_j3c027m wrote

Yeah I’ve seen a lot of that, gives me a good chuckle. Seems like dishwasher + free laundry in basement even is incredibly hard to come by around here, like you said considered a luxury. It was all but standard in CO so just not something I’m used to having to search around for!


ihavebigboobiezz t1_j37bzuz wrote

Pretty much any laundromat should have machines that convert dollars into coins. I go all the time just to get the coins, you don’t have to use the machines 99.9% of time.


AdIll6974 OP t1_j37e5kb wrote

I have driven to multiple ones and can’t find one that does! They’ve all converted to cards


bauer883 t1_j386cu7 wrote

What about a car wash that has manual bays? They have change machines. Or an arcade? If you can find one!


ihavebigboobiezz t1_j37ealj wrote

Really? That must be a post Covid thing, that’s annoying. The laundromats over in Bristol and some in Newport still have coin machines, if that’s any help.


AdIll6974 OP t1_j37emkj wrote

Thanks! A bit far from there. Maybe I’ll go to different laundromats near me and see


Dependent-Meet-8022 t1_j3ar0fk wrote

North Kingstown Laundry on Post Rd., if you are ever in that area. Not sure if they'd get annoyed or not though.


sapphicpisces t1_j3a2zm9 wrote

We used to do this until we got yelled at. Now we can never step foot into that laundromat again lol


TheBeeGuy25 t1_j37h210 wrote

I never had a problem at Navigant CU, so join a credit union.


AdIll6974 OP t1_j37k8lq wrote

Thanks! I moved from Colorado so just recently switched to a local bank here. My bank was local to CO and charged ATM fees, was a pain. The hours of banks can be useless when you work a full time job.


TheBeeGuy25 t1_j3c0gtt wrote

Debit card transactions with Credit Union is they cover the fees on ATM charges since they have no network of their own. I would check with them, but as far as I know, they credit us for any ATM charges.


r2d3x9 t1_j37bfha wrote

Ask them to give you 4 quarters for a dollar each time you go in. Or ask the landlord to sell you the rolls of quarters since he must have a lot of them!!


AdIll6974 OP t1_j37ehqc wrote

One load of laundry is ~12 quarters. It’d make more sense to use a laundromat but I have bad sensitivities to smells due to allergies, asthma and migraines so when people use scented detergents, beads, etc. I have a hard time.


r2d3x9 t1_j37jygd wrote

So the landlord must have lots of quarters.


AdIll6974 OP t1_j37kr91 wrote

Yeah unfortunately (I mentioned this somewhere else idk where) they’re an elderly couple and one of them is having a major health crisis so I don’t want to bother them about quarters. Feels a little meaningless when someone was just on the brink of death, ya feel me?


monique1397 t1_j37ic5e wrote

Go early mornings before work. No one's ay the laundromat at 7 on a weekday


AdIll6974 OP t1_j37kh31 wrote

I live near one that is popping at all hours! You’d be surprised. But I’ll try that thanks!


r2d3x9 t1_j37kf5g wrote

I haven’t thought about how much energy and water is used for a load of laundry.


AdIll6974 OP t1_j37kxor wrote

I don’t think it completely adds up, but I’m the youngest person in my building and definitely the only person who would say something about either changing from quarters to a new system or lessening the amount. Could be worth it at some point but I’ve gotten this far haha


Wonderful_Bother9172 t1_j39g9fh wrote

This may seem silly but I have probably 20 rolls of quarters at my work I don't know why because we don't use coins. so if you are in the Providence Pawtucket area I could meet you at work and sell you our rolls of quarters. Otherwise car washes and I know Pizza J has a quarter machine because of the pinball machines.


Beautiful-Page3135 t1_j3ahvya wrote

You can actually order coins directly from the US mint on their website. I ordered $100 in half dollars back in 2019 (I give them out at renaissance faires as "pirate coins") and they literally came in a canvas money bag. You pay the amount you order plus shipping, I think I paid $109 and change for the half dollars, and they arrived via USPS within a week. All freshly minted.

The other option is the front desk at an extended stay hotel. They usually have coin op machines so they keep rolls in the safe specifically for people to swap.


Throwaway1231200001 t1_j37fu94 wrote

I mean, I still use cash for shit so that helps. But honestly, any bar (that isn't an intentional pool hall like Snookers, RI Billiards or Bo's) that has pool tables will generally have a converter machine as well since they tend to be quarter fed tables.


Open-Mood-3755 t1_j38v7nx wrote

I just go to the dunkin around the corner and ask the baristas if they'd be willing to swap out their quarters out the tip jar for bills, I usually trade in however many $ as there are employees on shift so it doesn't mess up their tip split, I haven't had them raise an issue about it so far (i go in once every week or so)


Puzzleheaded-Gap3319 t1_j3auwq9 wrote

I can send a video on how to....get around that. So, basically... Do it for free. Let me know


Atravers90 t1_j3b6tgv wrote

I was staying at a hotel on waiting list to get into my new apartment and was SO stressed trying to find change. So I figured out that Walmart had vending machines. Put in a $5 then push the change button and gives you back quarters! 😊


TimeSlipperWHOOPS t1_j37clw2 wrote

Grocery store!


AdIll6974 OP t1_j37e3jz wrote

They all tell me no :(


Mutabilitie t1_j37lc8j wrote

The self checkout at the wal mart. Pay with cash. Buy whatever you want and it will feed you change. Or maybe the stop & shop is easier, with the self checkout machine because groceries aren’t taxed, so you just add it up and make sure it’s not some useless amount like $19.98 where you’ll get 2 cents back.


AdIll6974 OP t1_j37lqgd wrote

Oh interesting. I’ve never thought to do that because it wasn’t until recently that they started doing cash check out. I need to get some stuff at the store so maybe I’ll try that. Thanks!


Megs0226 t1_j37i434 wrote

There was a coin shortage during covid so maybe that’s why places aren’t giving you coins. My old landlord eventually switched to machines that took coins or you could pay via Bluetooth from an app, it was kind of cool.

Where are you located? I used to go to Laundry Club on the east side about once every couple of months. I would get a ton of quarters, do one wash/dry there, and go back when I was out of quarters. They’d charge you if you just used the quarter machine.


AdIll6974 OP t1_j37kdqa wrote

Yeah unfortunately I can’t go to a laundromat due to issues with scents and allergies, asthma, and migraines. I’ll see about their coin machine tho! Thanks


Full-Supermarket t1_j37n5hb wrote

Bank is only place I can think of. My old place used to have coin laundry like that but landlord will exchange with us when he take out coins.


nealien79 t1_j37uf7z wrote

I used to go to the car wash to get quarters.


Benny_rich-_ t1_j39fcth wrote

You ever try a laundry mat they usually have those quarter machines


indelible75 t1_j39kawa wrote

I usually go to the laundromat. Not kidding. Just saying.


hockeyshiz t1_j3bvyoj wrote

Roger Williams park there’s a merry go round with a cash to quarter machine next to it. (In the park not the zoo, no entry fee)


koushunu t1_j37mzdm wrote

Constantly use cash at places and ask for an extra dollar (in addition to your change) in quarters.


Remarkable_Baseball7 t1_j37oej1 wrote

When I worked retail if people needed quarters they’d give me dollars to trade in. Maybe try that?


kalash_nik0v t1_j37p5bq wrote

Some stores like Walgreens and Walmart, depends on the person and if they’re in a good mood. Just gotta ask the manager or whoever holds the key to the vault


tewnchee t1_j37r70a wrote

Car wash- one of the ones with vacuums


thepola t1_j37tcbz wrote

Call the bank ahead of time (1 week) and they should be able to order change for you. If not, try a different bank


tilario t1_j37tmts wrote

i never keep change in my pocket. it goes into a jar as soon as i get home. you end up with tons of quarters


Potential_Log245 t1_j37uhiv wrote

They should change to a card system. The reason why your landlord uses quarters is because it’s un declared money to the government. I go to the laundromat because laundry is a write off for me as an expense.


srdm1991 t1_j38b5pl wrote

we've been going to a bar that has an arcade room in the back and getting quarters that way. the other night we got $60 worth hahaha


Null_Error7 t1_j38c1pn wrote

I plumbed a washer to my apartment kitchen sink and hung my clothes to dry


abap65 t1_j38crxt wrote

Car wash places have coin machines never failed me.


Bad-Habit-2020 t1_j38eeii wrote

OP i have the best solution for you and win...if no one has mentioned yet.

I had the same issue so the 1st of every month, or when my landlord stopped by to get quarters, I wld give him 20-40 dollars in bills (or how much you spent in a month to do laundry) to get back the same amount in quarters.


amatz9 t1_j38fd0i wrote

Before my building switched to pay by phone I was able to get rolls of quarters from customer service at Shaws.


rhodeislandfella t1_j38vd6v wrote

Depending where you live, seasons on elmwood ave Warwick has the diy car wash bays and they are a good go to for quarters.


XnFriendlyFriendxX t1_j38x2vc wrote

Try car washes, my local car wash has a quarter machine I use for this exact reason


VinylGator t1_j3a1hou wrote

As others have said, just go to a laundromat. I go once a month or so, do one small load and cash in &20 or so in quarters to take home.


mtnstoseaside t1_j3a9dps wrote

I always get mine at the bank- and agree it’s annoying for all parties involved.


Greg13Nomad t1_j3dc46b wrote

Maybe your landlord should switch to those cash cards like most housing authorities have. Just a thought.


samskeyti_ t1_j4bf1pu wrote

Some laundromats have change machines, mine does. Just do one load there and use the machine

Green jeans on 44 in Smithfield has a machine


AdIll6974 OP t1_j4bjgpl wrote

Yeah unfortunately can’t do the laundromat due to severe allergies and asthma that is triggered by a lot of scents! Thanks for letting me know though out rn quarter machine!


samskeyti_ t1_j4bk2i2 wrote

I get it, I have a really strong and visceral reaction to some scents. I use this laundromat myself though and there usually aren’t a lot of people there. Tbh if you just go in with a mask and do $40 worth of quarters and buy a thing of detergent in the vending machine (I think they have clear all) they probably don’t care.


Alarmed_Nebula3917 t1_j38egur wrote

I would just take my ass to a laundromat, it’s bullshit for a landlord to nickel and dime people this way if your paying rent at a place, I wouldn’t be inclined to give them anything extra
