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Coincel_pro t1_j3d20th wrote

Glad to see the r/Conservative posters are here to tell us how its not a big deal / probably fake.


Medical_Ad_7170 t1_j3dg9jz wrote

All the conservatives forget that a clan rally was held in in 1924 in forster just because you don't see them doesn't mean they don't exist, RI was almost turned red by 5% during the last election for God sakes. So yea, white Supremacist exist here their just smart enough to keep their heads down and keep it to themselves.


somegridplayer t1_j3libux wrote

Again? Didn't they realize nobody likes them the first time?


Db3ma t1_j3f8s16 wrote

Well, they got all of you clucking about it.


quahaug1945 t1_j3c58ci wrote

Yup, keep giving the 1/100th percent of the population free publicity and rent-free space in your head. They only have the power that YOU give them!


Fine-Loquat t1_j3emj4u wrote

You are so wrong. Staying silent only emboldens these assholes, they need to be called out very loudly.


March_Latter t1_j3c2l7j wrote

So lets get this straight. A national hate group went to RI, the smallest state in the union, to distribute hate literature on the driveways of leftists of the most left state in the union. These pamphlets are nowhere near professionally made and appear almost child like in the design and would serve no real purpose at all unless someone reported them to the police....I call bullshit.


backsassing t1_j3cp2jl wrote

The hate is coming from the inside google Sam Hyde


quahaug1945 t1_j3c5o47 wrote

Some people can't exist without a bogeyman to fear. Those morons (the supposed white supremacists) only have the power that the idiots in the popular media give them with pages of free publicity.


March_Latter t1_j3c5vlj wrote

I am thinking this looks more like a cash grab by the people supposedly targeted. Donate now, look what just happened. The story and the evidence just don't add up.
