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huron9000 t1_j3jso6z wrote

Yes!! But it’s hardly only a RI problem. Fuckers block the left lane everywhere. Why don’t any police, ever, anywhere pull people over for dangerously clogging the interstates up like this?


godmode33 t1_j3labn8 wrote

Police don't do anything about anything LOL Have you seen some of the tint on the windows? The atv's that aren't even allowed on roads in the first place shutting down whole intersections and off ramps to do donuts and scare old ladies? And it's the cars in the left lane of the highway that you think will tip the scale? That sad truth is, none of this is going to get any better. It's only going to continue getting worse. NOBODY DOES ANYTHING. A year or so ago I was stuck behind a cop on eddy st. and three or four ATV's shut down the whole intersection and did donuts around a old ladies car until she was crying and scared to death and you know what the cop did? NOTHING. He just casually pulled up to the light and made his left turn and was gone. NOBODY DOES ANYTHING. It's the wild west and you are on your own. It's sad that our state has become this but it has and there is nothing left to do but accept it.


big_whistler t1_j3las0p wrote

Why risk your life to enforce laws when you could just not do it and get paid the same


bythenumbers10 t1_j3lo64f wrote

Less money in low-speed tickets, and high-speed pursuits aren't worth the hassle & potential danger to bystanders.

Whereas, pulling over people going 10-15 over in perfect control of their vehicle is great for police ticket income.