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Uncle_Tony96 t1_j3izy6e wrote

Agreed but you also gotta be patient. Like that other commenter said, someone will come right up behind you going 90 and not even give you time to pass the cars on the right and move over before quickly passing on the right


geffe71 t1_j3j4215 wrote

Can’t count the times I’m doing 70/75 and someone is on my ass as I’m trying to pass a caravan of cars and then threads the needle once I pass the front car and cuts me off just to brake check

This isn’t death race/cannonball run and I’m not getting pulled over for doing 90 in a 55/65


GotenRocko t1_j3j93un wrote

Fuck them, I don't move for them, if I'm actively passing people on the right then I have just as much right to be in the left lane, they can fuck off with thier excessive speeding.


mightynifty_2 t1_j3lspyc wrote

I think this is fine, but once you get past a line of cars and there's no one to your right, you're at fault for not pulling over and letting them pass.


GotenRocko t1_j3lxcqs wrote

Definitely don't have a problem with that and do just that when there is less traffic. What annoys me is someone trying to tail gate me or blinking thier headlights when I'm going with heavy traffic and the left lane is already moving past everyone on the right. Gtfo what that shit.


overthehillhat t1_j3jj4dt wrote

Make-Model-and Plate # of your car ?

Just so I'll know -

not to mess with the little old lady in the fast lane


ziddersroofurry t1_j3kkbu1 wrote

You seem to think putting people's lives in danger is cool. It's not a fucking competition nor is it a bad thing to actually give a fuck about other people's safety.


tbarlow13 t1_j3lugxe wrote

Make-Model-and Plate # of your car?

Just so I'll know -

to call the ambulance and police about the asshole.


Uncle_Tony96 t1_j3j8lb5 wrote

Exactly. They’re just as bad, if not worse than the people hogging the left lane going really slow


Raging_Connoisseur t1_j3jiohq wrote

Thissss and it’s always someone in a BMW/Mercedes being a menace because they’re car can go 160 MPH. Like you’re gonna kill Simone chill tf out


Loveroffinerthings t1_j3jreal wrote

For me it is always a late model Altima or Hyundai, at least a Merc or BMW is meant to be an autobahn cruiser, unlike the 2007 Hyundai Elantra.


[deleted] t1_j3rmxpm wrote

Some folks take the “GT” in “Escort GT” a bit too literally in these parts 😁


[deleted] t1_j3rmlhv wrote

Bonus points if they start flashing their brights like a strobe light. How dare you not be 35 MPH over the limit?!


Seniortomox t1_j3llxw8 wrote

If there is enough room for them to pass you on the right then you need to get over or accelerate


Uncle_Tony96 t1_j3lto2w wrote

No, that’s the thing. I haven’t moved over yet because there’s no room. Once there is room I’ll move over. But if I’m going 70-75 I’ll eventually get past them, it won’t take long. If the person behind me flies up on me going 90, they’re gonna have to slow down a bit and be patient


Seniortomox t1_j3lu6wk wrote

If there isn’t enough room they cannot get around you and they just have to wait so I must have miss understood your comment. If they don’t give you 3 car lengths to get over after you passed then they are the ass.


scagatha t1_j3mqsav wrote

Yeah we're talking about people who are cutting people in the right lane off, using their safe following distance to then cut off the person in the left lane.


chip008 t1_j3iwbk4 wrote

May I take this opportunity to ask folks to be a bit more patient as well? If you come up behind someone in the left lane, please give them a second to move over. I see you, and I will move over for you, but blasting around me on the right is dangerous.


lolomanigan t1_j3j58fe wrote

How long you need? If you're not passing, you should already be out of that lane..just sayin'


boop-snoot-boogie t1_j3jfv4g wrote

So like, I feel like this shouldn’t need to be said, but enough time to put a safe distance between me and the car I just passed.


412gage t1_j3jgtyo wrote

In this situation, I always put my signal on before I finish passing the guy on the right so that we don't run the risk of the guy behind me thinking that I'm not moving over. After I get a safe distance, I'll move over. If I dont do this, he will most likely thread the needle. The guy behind me probably gets pissed because I'm doing it too slowly, but oh whale.


boop-snoot-boogie t1_j3jjoa3 wrote

No argument here, this is the way - but it’s worth mentioning that this isn’t good enough for a lot of drivers and they will indeed thread the needle regardless because they are (checks notes) stupid as fuck


chip008 t1_j3jelzj wrote

Indeed. If I’m in that lane, I’m still passing someone. Instead of waiting for me to move over, quite often folks have blasted past me on the right the moment they get the opportunity. That’s what I’m talking about.


smoooothpants t1_j3jhm3w wrote

Connecticut too. There are parts of 95 that can be unbearable because of people driving slowly in the left lane.


huron9000 t1_j3jso6z wrote

Yes!! But it’s hardly only a RI problem. Fuckers block the left lane everywhere. Why don’t any police, ever, anywhere pull people over for dangerously clogging the interstates up like this?


godmode33 t1_j3labn8 wrote

Police don't do anything about anything LOL Have you seen some of the tint on the windows? The atv's that aren't even allowed on roads in the first place shutting down whole intersections and off ramps to do donuts and scare old ladies? And it's the cars in the left lane of the highway that you think will tip the scale? That sad truth is, none of this is going to get any better. It's only going to continue getting worse. NOBODY DOES ANYTHING. A year or so ago I was stuck behind a cop on eddy st. and three or four ATV's shut down the whole intersection and did donuts around a old ladies car until she was crying and scared to death and you know what the cop did? NOTHING. He just casually pulled up to the light and made his left turn and was gone. NOBODY DOES ANYTHING. It's the wild west and you are on your own. It's sad that our state has become this but it has and there is nothing left to do but accept it.


big_whistler t1_j3las0p wrote

Why risk your life to enforce laws when you could just not do it and get paid the same


bythenumbers10 t1_j3lo64f wrote

Less money in low-speed tickets, and high-speed pursuits aren't worth the hassle & potential danger to bystanders.

Whereas, pulling over people going 10-15 over in perfect control of their vehicle is great for police ticket income.


Anthropomorphotic t1_j3j9ghn wrote

Every Northeast state needs that.


Loveroffinerthings t1_j3jrhje wrote

Literally ever state needs this. Only time I’ve driven and it was blissful was in Germany.


idkwhatimdoing25 t1_j3m3cp3 wrote

Every state in the country lol I've lived in RI, MA, ME, TX, CA, and WA. Every state drove like this and every one of them thought they were unique for it


tilario t1_j3j88cx wrote

one of my parents is german so i spent a lot of time there growing up. even as a kid i knew that the left lane had a singular purpose: you pass and then get out.

of course, this was the autobahn so you were doing 100mph while others were barreling down at 130.


seiyge t1_j3jsdry wrote

that aspect of respect for the left lane was a breath of fresh air…i love the autobahn…but as soon as you’re off…wam now we got people literally parking in the road…as a rhode islander, really helped me man up to play chicken through these old towns…barely wide enough for two fiestas to pass


dickieb81 t1_j3jbun3 wrote

I am no left lane camper, but we have mostly 2 lane over congested highways. A third lane is really needed to keep the left completely clear except for passing and thats not happening.


Raging_Connoisseur t1_j3jiufl wrote

Ugh I take Route 146 to and from work and it’s the WORST for this especially at night.


wyldweasil t1_j3jn981 wrote

I feel this pain too. Every night. And its not confined to rush hours either.


daddy-hamlet t1_j3lpt5l wrote

I call them “Left Lane Janes”, after my sister-in-law who drives under the speed limit, doesn’t like it when anyone eats in the car, and hangs on to the overhead strap like a subway rider when she’s a passenger.

I drive NJ to RI and back a lot, and have found it’s often faster- especially on 95 in CT, to drive in the extreme right lane..


Sheol t1_j3mcncy wrote

Adding more lanes doesn't solve congestion.


dickieb81 t1_j3mdnpr wrote

I understand that adding more and more lanes to a busy highway does not help congestion, but three is really required for proper lane usage and truly having a lane only designated for passing.


_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j3jt4qq wrote

Nah, that lane is for assholes to hold up traffic because “I’m already going five over the speed limit, that’s fast enough, DAMNIT!


Stringfellow69 t1_j3j0au7 wrote

We are also talking to the drivers visiting from CT...


tcevan t1_j3k01sx wrote

I’ve spent time in Philly & NYC… And even they are not as horrible at driving as everyone here is.

Here’s its like you’re wedged between old people going 20 miles under the speed limit, or a high school dropout who just got a used Honda Civic and wants to drive it like a race car.

Absolutely brutal time.


_wheresMySuperSuit t1_j3jmvte wrote

Had this lady in front of me doing this a couple months ago. She had the audacity to give me the finger when there was a train of like 7 cars behind me.


seiyge t1_j3jrv7w wrote

Until police actually do something about it…nothing will change


Street_Run_6445 t1_j3jq7qw wrote

This is so necessary. Every morning I drive south towards Newport and there is that vehicle in the passing lane just putting along and blocking traffic that is actually passing. It is infuriating.

Once in a while I see people post here, "the speed limit is 55 and I'm going 60 and people are on my ass in the left lane." Brutal


majoroutage t1_j3ju02v wrote

FYI, though, Rhode Island is a "Yield to faster traffic" state. Not "Keep right except to pass."


kendo31 t1_j3kgvto wrote

This is a national epidemic. Ego is far too up it's own arse in this country. Get out of the way entitled dofuses!


overthehillhat t1_j3jlg87 wrote

RI Drivers never leave RI - -

So they are not aware of how the rest of the world coexists on interstate highways

You'all not from around here are Ya?


conorlovesit t1_j3jttbt wrote

So from what I’ve seen/read on these posts is that everyone sucks at driving no matter what state you live in.


emxxolivia t1_j3kdpn5 wrote

There's a better chance of gas becoming .99/gallon then them RI drivers learning shit


toomuch1265 t1_j3jszru wrote

The 146/95 merge is one of the most dangerous sections of highways I have been on. If I am heading south or north on 95 you will find me in the left lane.


napoleon852 t1_j3lkify wrote

Part of our issue is 95 is so packed with cars, unless you want to do 5 under the limit, the only option is the left lane.


Space_faces t1_j3lnt51 wrote

Keep the 18 wheelers out of there while we're at it. Passing a truck going 65 mph by going 65.00001 mph will not get your load to it's destination faster.


diomed3 t1_j3lvuap wrote

This is the worst in the Carolinas. Fuck SC specifically for having 95 be two lanes. Awful to drive through those states.


lolomanigan t1_j3j50az wrote do MA and CT drivers.....


sjaxn314159 t1_j3jqyoi wrote

I regret that I have but one upvote to give to this post -Nathan Hale


mightynifty_2 t1_j3lsjj2 wrote

Seconded. And this doesn't mean you have to leave the passing lane. If you're actively passing people in the second lane, you can be in the passing lane as long as you want. If someone tries to go around you on the right, they're the asshole. However, if there's no one to your right and someone catches up behind you in the passing lane, move the fuck over (though again, if you catch up to someone, give them a second to do so). It's basic fucking courtesy.


conorlovesit t1_j3m7n72 wrote

So I moved from RI to Dallas, TX area about 13 years ago. I come back to visit occasionally. Here’s the main thing I’ve noticed in driving habits: TX drivers are a little better at driving but ruder. RI drivers just aren’t that great at it sometimes.


KennyWuKanYuen t1_j3mmxyx wrote

Can we also talk about people paralleling others?

I absolutely hate it when people think it’s a great idea to drive at the same speed as the person in the next lane, causing them to parallel and block off any gap to pass. It’s infuriating. Like how dense of a driver do you have to be to not realise you’re impeding traffic?


xxhorrorshowxx t1_j3lor74 wrote

I’m on the border so here r/connecticut I think you guys need this too


Easywind42 t1_j3lqp2k wrote

They have to take a left turn in 45 miles and are just planning ahead


Rhode1 t1_j3lro2x wrote

Yeah, but if we all start doing this, next you will start wanting us to use the blinka.

That aint gonna happen either.


Captain-Cannoli t1_j3m6ebu wrote

This is the only thing I like about having to drive to Boston, a lot of people in Massachusetts get this so why can’t we?!


ynwp t1_j3n4mj5 wrote

RI road system is convoluted. What if the left lane is an exit lane as well?


timmyc02 t1_j3nrral wrote

Learn to drive like us. You decided to come here. ADAPT


sonickid101 OP t1_j3q0oke wrote

I've been here my whole life, I've been driving for 18 years it's bothered me the whole entire time. All your assumptions are wrong.


Mfiske925 t1_j3jvcq4 wrote

I was always told the left lane is the high speed lane


grem111 t1_j3k2dfn wrote

Same. Was not taught it was pass only (learned in CA fwiw)


kyden t1_j3jzrpx wrote

This happens everywhere. It’s not RI specific in the least.


Magus6796 t1_j3lo93n wrote

Too true. RI'ers are definitely some of the worst drivers. Cutting people off, not understanding what a yield sign means. Nevermind rotaries...


zsmorris1 t1_j3md6ll wrote

It's funny to think that someone thinks posting this will fix the fact nobody knows how to drive...


JKBone85 t1_j3nfjsm wrote

When you’re traveling 75+ in the left lane, and someone comes up quick behind and is freaking out and waving their arms and losing their shit in your rear view, while there are 5 cars in front of you…. I expect THAT is the kind of person who would post this PSA.


pitcrane t1_j3qyrxy wrote

Welcome to RI!


Ri_Surf t1_j3rhxlb wrote

I purposely camp the left lane when any Mass driver starts tailgating and I’m already going 15 over on east/west main on Aquidneck Island.