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TheGreyVicinity t1_j3ud68f wrote

Most strangers are nice. However, I’ve lived here for 6 months and have made 0 friends. None. I’ve gone to bars by myself plenty of times before and have easily met people who I ended up being really good friends with. More people go out in big ass groups here so it’s hard to do that. I’ve gone out maybe 4 times in 6 months.

Driving wise, they’re too nice. I’m from Dallas so I’m a pretty defensive driver…. I’m always prepared for someone to be an asshole on the road. But people let me merge, turn left, etc.. it’s weird to me since everyone in Dallas drives like hell.


RandomChurn t1_j3vp83s wrote

I moved here on my own from elsewhere too (decades ago). So you struck a chord: sorry you haven't connected with anyone yet. m

For me what worked was a chance encounter at a laundromat; got talking with someone else doing their laundry and bingo! Had some interests in common and through him I met a pretty large friend group / community. He was a multi-gen native Rhode Islander.

That's the thing here: because "everyone knows everyone" once you make one connection, it can lead to more.

Nobody seems to frequent laundromats like they used to. So, how about checking out the r/CozyRhody crew?

That got started by a RI newcomer during the pandemic to make friends while cleaning up trash (literally) -- they've posted pics a few times. They seem like a friendly bunch. Again, all you need sometimes is a start.

Good luck 🍀


idkwhatimdoing25 t1_j3xom0s wrote

I also moved here from Dallas! Making that first friend is a real challenge but once you do, suddenly you've got a million friends and you'll never have a shortage of people to hangout with. For me I met my first friend by taking my dog to brewery - my dog and their dog became friends so we started chatting and suddenly I'm invited to the bar the next night and was part of their group from that day forward. I've found people here don't talk to strangers unless they have a legitimate reason to. But once you find that reason they'll talk your ear off about everything under the sun lol