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idkwhatimdoing25 t1_j3xnvwg wrote

Out of curiosity - where have you lived before that you think is better? I have lived in multiple parts of the US and find RI to be no more or less friendly as a whole. Every part of the country may have a different style of friendly, but people are people no matter where you go. Some places value pleasantries, other places value kind actions. RI is an action state. People in RI might give you shit but they'll say exactly what they mean and they'll say it to your face whereas in other places people are still thinking the same things, they'll just wait til you leave to gossip about it. Also people in RI always seem to go out of their way for others - either to insult them or to help them lol. I've never had neighbors that would just walk up and help me with a house project or snowblow my driveway without me even asking, until I lived in RI. Those same neighbors will also yell at me to roll my trash/recycling bins back in not even 10 mins after the trash truck comes by or honk at me on the highway if I'm going too slow.

Personally, I prefer RI's brand of up front honesty over people who are kind to your face but shit talk you behind your back. But to each their own.


Loveroffinerthings OP t1_j3yv049 wrote

I’ve lived all over the northeast, down into DC metro, Florida, mid-west, and Mountain West. I get that people in the northeast are more direct, but that’s not the sense of entitlement I’m talking about. It the “you should be doing XXX for me because I feel important”. You mention the snow blowing, last year I shoveled out my neighbors drive twice, they saw me, and said nothing, even when we had that blizzard. RI is not like any other place that I’ve lived, not even other parts of the Northeast, like Vermont.