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WickedxJosh t1_j63ap61 wrote

My wife was a contractor for 2 one year stints over the course of 3 years. In that time was the last major layoff. They let go people that would have taken a bullet for the company just because it seemed. No one was safe. They know people love working for them because the nostalgia and use it to their advantage.

And let’s not forget to mention the departments staffed by a rotating cycle of contractors. We know people that have been back 4-6 times for the same position.


nealien79 t1_j63bsvs wrote

I applied for a graphic design manager there and they said anyone below a manager level is a contractor. That is insane that a company would operate like that - so no one gets benefits or health insurance below a manager level? It didn’t seem legal to me, or if it is, then it is just shitty of the company. I didn’t get the job and was happy I didn’t.


bungocheese t1_j63tvta wrote

maybe in that department that's not correct for any other department.


bungocheese t1_j64g3ge wrote

It's also one of very few "stable" jobs for creatives especially around here. If you want to be a freelance artist of one sort or another you can but it's ridiculously hard to get a job with benefits in that space. So many of the people that work there are absolutely crushed and it can be an absolutely life shattering time for them. Engineers can engineer other places, PM's and sales and marketing can go find other places, not many places for people that love to create.