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bostonglobe OP t1_j47axyi wrote

From the story Globe Rhode Island reporter Amanda Milkovitz:

NORTH KINGSTOWN, R.I. — A Davisville Middle School teacher accused of stalking a pre-teen girl he was coaching and harassing other students in his classes is resigning at the end of the school year, according to the lawyer representing the girl’s family.Lawyer Timothy J. Conlon said Friday that he and the family learned about the resignation through other sources the previous day — and not from the School Committee or the administration. The teacher has been on leave since spring 2022 as an investigation into his behavior continues.


Starting in 2017, the middle-school girl’s family had tried to get school officials to do something about the teacher, who they said had fixated on their daughter and began stalking her. Frustrated by a lack of response, the family filed a formal complaint in 2018 with then-Superintendent Phil Auger, Conlon said.

It wasn’t until the family threatened to get a restraining order that the teacher was made to stop coaching middle-schoolers in North Kingstown. However, the teacher then went to coach in two other school districts and remained as a teacher at Davisville Middle School.

Then in April 2022, Conlon, who is representing current and former students in a case against former high school basketball coach Aaron Thomas brought the family’s allegations to then-interim Superintendent Michael Waterman and the US Attorney’s Office, which is investigating a complaint under Title IV of the Civil Rights Act. Waterman placed the teacher on leave and launched an internal investigation.

Conlon said the school administration said it lost the family’s original complaint. In the meantime, other former students came forward about the Davisville teacher’s behavior. A group of boys had kept a Discord log to track the teacher’s “creepy” behavior toward the girls. A young woman who read about the boys’ “Pedo Database” came forward about her own experiences in the teacher’s classroom, calling him “the worst teacher I ever had.”


BitterStatus9 t1_j47nzgv wrote

The whole administration sounds negligent and incompetent and should be fired.


United-Broccoli-5505 t1_j488j9o wrote

Between this and Aaron Thomas at the high school, there's no way a good chunk of other teachers didn't know what was going on either.


New_Analyst3510 t1_j4hc0ap wrote

My friend told me that the three most likely professions yo molest a child are 3:Religious leaders 2:Cops 1: Teacher


sporkemon t1_j47q5xe wrote

the vibes in nk are unbelievably fucked rn


Pdmnt t1_j47w09b wrote

Aight so of all of these professionals, it was the kids themselves that had to make the majority of moves? I mean what the fuck, man? Why are pedos seemingly constantly allowed to keep doing pedo shit?

If you want housing prices fixed, let's start eliminating pedos. That'll free up some housing and improve morale.


SenorPoppy t1_j48bp8k wrote

the Epstein case proved that the world is run by pedos.


the_falconator t1_j481hor wrote

Good job by those boys looking out for their classmates


Darisixnine t1_j49jfe6 wrote

This is too common. We got our music teacher fired in middle school because he was an open pedo and none of the other teachers knew enough to care. Until a student caught him on camera doing lewd stuff in class then he was final told to leave.


Jreamplease t1_j4a1b8l wrote

There names should not be hidden.


wickedrhody t1_j4b4lg5 wrote

The OP wasn't thorough with this article.

The teacher is resigning but the investigation did not prove wrongdoing. The town has many turned every accusation into a witch hunt.

This teacher was NOT found guilty and the district seems stuck between a rock and a hard place because of the AT situation and several in the community issuing threats against the teacher and school.

Either a settlement was given to the teacher or the teacher is going to sue the shit out of the town in the near future because of the local idiots.


New_Analyst3510 t1_j4hc8lt wrote

Why defend pedos?


wickedrhody t1_j4hpbca wrote

Is that what I'm doing?

What about innocent until proven guilty?


New_Analyst3510 t1_j4hy6vi wrote

The kids tracked his creepy actions for me that's enough especially when other people here can corroborate the fact that he was a creepy guy


wickedrhody t1_j4i1z7i wrote

So, your answer is no. You're a guilty until proven innocent kind of guy.... or just guilty by mob. Got it.

Also, kids lie. Or can be wrong. Or be spiteful.


New_Analyst3510 t1_j4i2jly wrote

"Kids lie" would you say that if your daughter came to you and said someone was acting creepy around I don't know if you're a good father but I would tear someone in half for fucking with my kid


wickedrhody t1_j4i5j44 wrote

Oh sure, I certainly understand that concern. "Acting creepy" and actually being a pedophile are two different things. To go from the accusations shared to not being any criminally proven activity is quite a stretch.

Is possible the person is weird or is on the spectrum. Or, could possibly be a pervert. Point is though, we don't have that proof and is unfair with the information given to make the assumption of guilt.


New_Analyst3510 t1_j4j5j6u wrote

"He'd play a song and he'd make one of them get up and dance," the student added. quote from the article that screams problem