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Beebeeleen t1_j4rd080 wrote

We know people can behave seriously irresponsible while driving. Just because others cause (even more) harm does not make your misgivings ok.

You are also doing something that can cause others harm or death.

People with your carelessness and attitude ultimately run other people over.

It isn't the fact that you made a mistake (probably countless times given how you try to justify it and make it seem unimportant) but rather that you try to act like it isn't a big deal and justify it.

That's what makes you selfish, irresponsible, and partially rotten. It's your inability to recognize your error, take responsibility for it, and try to avoid committing the error in the future.

And yes I make mistakes but I own them, take full responsibility, then try to avoid making those mistakes.

People like you have hurt and killed pedestrians. Reflect on that.