Submitted by Special_Beat_8969 t3_10drmyv in RhodeIsland

So I have court tomorrow morning for a traffic violation in Cranston (obedience to stop sign specifically) because I did not stop fully at a stop sign. Here's how the story goes...

I was writing a lab report the day before Thanksgiving at my college late at night (I go to University of Rhode Island). I was tired and wanted to go home to my family in CT. While I was leaving still on campus, a university police officer pulled me over for not stopping at a stop sign, however I remember stopping but it probably was a lousy stop that most people do and just slow down. The officer seemed apologetic and said that I could plead the good drivers statute because I explained to him my situation but still wrote me a $90 citation. I remember stopping at the stop sign but maybe I did not fully stop so I'm not sure if I should plead guilty or not. I wanted to appear in court for this but I'm not sure how to go about it when I talk to the judge. I've watched videos that some students talk about how are a good student. I am 20 year old female with good grades and am an RA at my university, I'm not sure if this information is helpful at all but I thought I would share anyways. Can someone please explain to me how I should go about this tomorrow? Thank you!


update: I got it dismissed and only had to pay $63 in court fines! Thanks for everyone's' input :)



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charliekwalker t1_j4n1y1a wrote

If you have a clean driving record you will most likely be able to pay court fees and have it expunged. Which is cheaper than the ticket and doesn't negatively affect your insurance.


degggendorf t1_j4n3b5y wrote

Assuming Cranston traffic court operates like mine and that nothing has changed in like 5 years, the judge will very clearly tell you what to say to ask for clean driving record mercy. The script was even taped to the podium, and like 95% of the other 40 people in the room did the exact same thing.

Your name gets called, you say the line, the judge says yep got it. Totally routine, takes two seconds, nothing to be worried about.

If you haven't had an RI drivers license for over 3 years where they can see the clean history, you might need to get a copy of your driving record from the previous state.

More info here:


MikeMac999 t1_j4n7dcv wrote

My old roommate once challenged a ticket on the grounds that he was guilty but had lost his job and simply couldn’t afford it. Judge had violation changed to a $25 parking ticket, so no hit on insurance. I’m sure it helps that he is a very charming, likable guy; if it were me they would have tripled it.


zjanderson t1_j4ndzw2 wrote

I had a similar thing happen in a Providence a few years back. Judge knocked down an $80 to $30 just for showing up.


moreobviousthings t1_j4nfqkq wrote

That you were tired and wanted to get home is not information which will help you. You were driving, so I am sure you were fully focused on driving safely. You were driving late at night, when traffic was light. There was very good visibility in the approach to the intersection, so you could easily see that the intersection was clear even before your vehicle came to a complete stop. Nevertheless, you did come to a full and complete stop before proceeding to your destination. Perhaps you waited at the intersection for a shorter period than you usually do, but it was getting late and again, traffic was light, visibility was very good, and the intersection was clear. You are a 20 year old student with good grades, and you are an RA at your university.


deadl0ckx2 t1_j4nfscs wrote

You’ve got to do a lot to get URIPD to pull you over (much more than a regular cop). They’re notorious for doing as little work as possible. The cop wasn’t apologetic towards you, he was feeling sorry for himself that he had to actually do something. Probably wasn’t a slow roll through the stop sign, more a 20 mph coast that he couldn’t choose to ignore.

Regardless, it’s easy to get stuff expunged if you’re a good driver. You won’t have any trouble.


DogGroundbreaking568 t1_j4nigeu wrote

I had a ticket in Warwick. The Judge told everyone that if they had a clean driving record to just plead the good driver statute. Don’t explain anything and don’t lie. They have your record. I did as he said and walked out after paying court cost.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j4nxzd4 wrote

Showing up basically knocks the ticket down. Just admit you were in the wrong and won’t do it again. Pay fee. Move on. I can’t speak to whether your particular insurance will pay attention or but stating out loud you were tired and claiming the cop is maybe wrong you can’t remember - don’t do that. Apologize and get a reduced fee.


Beebeeleen t1_j4o6snr wrote

If you didn't make a full stop at a stop sign, you have no argument. You won't win. Take this as a learning experience--you are wasting your time trying to fight something you can't win.

Also, I hope you make complete stops in the future. People get hurt and killed because of careless drivers.


Beebeeleen t1_j4oiqbe wrote

It is a conscious effort. I do make full stops.

Let's see how you'll feel if one of your loved ones suffers because a selfish, irresponsible person doesn't make a full stop. Will you care about that driver's good grades? I wouldn't.

Own up to your mistake, pay the full fine, stop making excuses, and avoid doing dumb things.


ynwp t1_j4pvl16 wrote

I am honestly surprised you got a ticket. I’ve only lived in RI for two years and have developed some pretty bad driving habits because everybody in this state has bad driving habits from lax traffic enforcement.

But those speed cameras work pretty good.


Special_Beat_8969 OP t1_j4qp4c8 wrote

Like someone is going to suffer because I went 3 mph at the stop sign instead of coming to a complete stop. I got the ticket dismissed because there are people in there for DUI charges meanwhile I have a clean driving record.


Special_Beat_8969 OP t1_j4qsi2k wrote

Yea those speed cameras are a bummer, thankfully I was not caught with one of those. I have driven all over the east coast and RI has the worst drivers I have seen to be honest.

The reason I got pulled over is that university cops are complete dicks most of the time, they're wannabe police officers. And I'm assuming that guy was trying to fill a quota or something because he told me right away how to get the ticket dismissed in court, so he was nice for that.


Beebeeleen t1_j4qsluj wrote

Sure. Who cares about your record? You're a selfish person. People like you harm and kill innocent people. Instead of recognizing your mistake and learning from it, you're trying to justify it.

In this respect, you are showing a rotten side to yourself. I hope you or your loved ones never suffer at the hands of someone like yourself.


Special_Beat_8969 OP t1_j4rbbvu wrote

"people like me" that's funny. I don't operate a vehicle while under the influence like 80% of the people in the courtroom today and everyday. I forgot that going 3 mph at a stop sign instead of completely stopping is sooooo selfish you're right. Congratulations on being Rhode Island's #1 driver and high and mighty law abiding citizen.


Beebeeleen t1_j4rd080 wrote

We know people can behave seriously irresponsible while driving. Just because others cause (even more) harm does not make your misgivings ok.

You are also doing something that can cause others harm or death.

People with your carelessness and attitude ultimately run other people over.

It isn't the fact that you made a mistake (probably countless times given how you try to justify it and make it seem unimportant) but rather that you try to act like it isn't a big deal and justify it.

That's what makes you selfish, irresponsible, and partially rotten. It's your inability to recognize your error, take responsibility for it, and try to avoid committing the error in the future.

And yes I make mistakes but I own them, take full responsibility, then try to avoid making those mistakes.

People like you have hurt and killed pedestrians. Reflect on that.