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The_Dream_of_Shadows t1_j6gqh3i wrote

>We have a student who came to America with "Coyote", which is a group that helps people. This group gives you a time frame to make a payment of $5000 dollars to those, who bring them to the states. [Emphasis Added]

She apparently has a doctorate in education, is the assistant principal of an educational institution, and yet somehow never learned that you don't put a comma there...or that the comma after "Coyote" should go within the quotation marks...or that "timeframe" is one word.

I know pedantry over grammar is somewhat frowned upon these days, but come on, lady. You're responsible for educating people. Can you at least run your emails through Grammarly before you send them? If not for correctness' sake, then at least so you don't look more ignorant than you already do for not being aware that coyotes are a nefarious cartel?