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ghogan1010 t1_j502z9s wrote

This is a misnomer. They don’t lose money by having you switch to solar. Their cost to obtain additional energy is greater than the loss to you producing your own.

The amount they’ll permit is 90% of projected usage. The 10% justifies service to the property. It’s really a pretty sensible arrangement when one thinks about it.


Coincel_pro t1_j51xx3r wrote

Except for when your planned array size is for 90% of projected usage, based on the 3 year avg monthly Kwh from Natl. Grid and they get to tell the solar company that the array is still too big and to do it again.

Also this ignores the "justifies service to the property". I have already paid to have the electrical lines installed to the home. They aren't going to profit by coming over and ripping the line down to the house. I have to pay monthly connection fees etc to them no matter what. These are offset by credits for energy I now generate with the array but they are still profiting from the fees. Forcing it to 10% is only pure profit for them. There is no reason for it and they are the only entity that gets to decide that.