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burritos0504 t1_j5zlky8 wrote

This is really helpful! I compared with my sister and bro in law that live in MA and he asked these same questions. After looking at my bill he said "You know our paying 44 cents per KWH?" I said yes and that we turned downtown he thermostat and he's like "that's not going to help much when you can go with a different supplier and pay 17 cents per KWH" my mind. Blown. I didn't know there were so many supplier options. I just had a random person come to my house last summer and say "wanna sign up to be part of a solar grid community? It's cheaper than your current rate" (at the time it was like 5 cents cheaper) and I was like sure pffft why not?! I didn't know how easy it was to switch once the rates started to skyrocket would love to see my bill cut in half from 430$ this last month jeeze.


luciferin t1_j602a47 wrote

I am not aware of a single supplier that is less expensive that RI Energy. Anyone I have seen that offers a lower rate has it as an introductory rate.