Submitted by ItalianMama95 t3_10hv6a4 in RhodeIsland

My boyfriend and I are currently homeless with our 2 kids. We’re trying to rent an apartment but everywhere is so expensive and require credit checks. We’re both going to job interviews to secure long term employment.

How can we get a roof over our children’s heads?

Please no judging or unkind comments.



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EnOhVeHey t1_j5ayrip wrote

No one is going to rent an apartment to two unemployed adults.

I would stop trying to waste energy looking for that to happen and start looking for shelters.


n0tarusky t1_j5as4h2 wrote

You picked up a new boyfriend and an extra kid in the last two weeks?


allhailthehale t1_j5c0tyk wrote

This seems like a needlessly shitty response. I assumed when I saw your reply that she was flat out lying, but when you read her last post its really obvious what the situation is.


leavingthecold t1_j5bd792 wrote

Nobody is going to rent to you and that's not judging or being unkind. You should be in a family shelter until you can get on your feet.


ItalianMama95 OP t1_j5fd71w wrote

You have about the same chances of getting a spot in a shelter as you do getting an apartment


[deleted] t1_j5asmjt wrote



TheGreyVicinity t1_j5d1tuy wrote

She could be in an abusive relationship. I was broken up with 100+ times a month.


Longjumping-Tap-6333 t1_j5cdk3q wrote

If your not going to be helpful, why comment?

I'll never understand why people like you go out of your way to throw shade or pass judgement. Do snarky comments make you feel better about yourself? Some sad people out there.


allhailthehale t1_j5d73lb wrote

I don't know why people seem to think it's some kind of 'gotcha' to point out that they broke up a few weeks ago. This is a thing that happens in the world. Like wtf is the point of dunking on someone who's clearly having a shitty time of it.


stan_milgram t1_j5dis9g wrote

Is it fun to punch down on someone who's having a hard time? What did your parents do to you?


OkNotice8600 t1_j5b1q91 wrote

Lots of unhelpful comments. Whatever, here we are. I would look for a cheap hotel room if possible. A motel or something. Might be easier than long term rental until you get jobs.


Full-Supermarket t1_j5b2ku5 wrote

Look at op’s old posts. Makes zero sense.


allhailthehale t1_j5d84tp wrote

Why is it so hard to understand/believe that someone would get back together with someone they broke up with 19 days ago? Do you all live in the world, around people? This is a thing that people do.


SekritSawce t1_j5bb160 wrote

Unhelpful comments because based on other posts the OP has made it sounds like BS.


degggendorf t1_j5big00 wrote

Even in that case, saying nothing seems better all around. A snarky reddit response isn't going to help anything.


Ryfhoff t1_j5bu0fn wrote

I’m with ya. If it is BS or you determined it to be BS then let it ride. Don’t fed it.


Nevvermind183 t1_j5dl3dd wrote

Unfortunately being unemployed and not being able to pass a credit check means you’re not going to get an apartment from a private owner. A shelter or family would be the only option’ sorry to say


Beebeeleen t1_j5b9hsa wrote

Good luck! Rentals around here are way too expensive. I hope you all get a good place soon.

Please be sure to check if the state offers any form of help finding and securing an apartment.


Potential_Log245 t1_j5bipuy wrote

Try Organizations like Neighbor works and Community care alliance. I believe they can point you in the right direction for getting a place to live possibly giving you really good assistance


stan_milgram t1_j5diep9 wrote

Talk to a social worker at a local health clinic or through a shelter.


Hollidaythegambler t1_j5cj5l9 wrote

19d ago you said your boyfriend was done with you?


stan_milgram t1_j5diwan wrote

You actually investigated OP? Ffs. Hard to understand how people in a bad place triggers people like you.