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degggendorf t1_j5ohr97 wrote

> Snow tires are much safer. Not everyone can afford them.

I think you're overselling them; I don't think snow tires in RI are so necessary that anyone who can afford them should have them. We don't have particularly extreme winters, nor any elevation to speak of. Besides that, unless OP is a first responder or something, simply not driving when weather is bad is the way to go. Even then, just driving like a sane person is fine. All seasons will get you where you're going, just a bit slower.

> Welcome to winter. Real winter.

This is clearly subjective, but I don't consider us to have "real winters". In my personal definition, "real winter" includes constant snow cover the whole season, and late January temperatures below 40, unlike us...


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j5opb8g wrote

That’s fair.

“Real winter” is relative. Maybe we can agree: RI is more real than FL but less real than Alaska, no?


degggendorf t1_j5opplo wrote

Even in our immediate area, we have the mildest winter weather in all of New England and New York.


the_gubna t1_j5ooa4u wrote

Agreed re: just drive slower and leave plenty of space.

I didn’t have snow tires on the front range of Colorado (awd car) and did fine. You definitely don’t need them here.