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TarantinoFan23 t1_j9yloy1 wrote

I predict that things will stay mostly the same. AI can't feed starving children.


jfb1337 t1_j9ze5ss wrote

Why not? Humans could feed starving children. We have the food. It's just expensive to get the food to where it needs to be. AI could find ways to make that more efficient.

Of course that depends on whether the rich people who own AI actually want to use it to feed starving children, but that's an entirely separate question to whether it's possible.


TarantinoFan23 t1_j9ziyvm wrote

Rich people becoming nice suddenly? Nah, AI will not change the power structure. The people in charge will not allow AI to change anything in a meaningful way. So, i stand by my assertion that tjing won't change.


jfb1337 t1_j9zjl89 wrote

That's a decent arguement against the idea of AI making the world substantially better. But that's not to say things won't change - there are a lot of ways AI could make the world worse.


QualityKoalaTeacher OP t1_j9zkdmh wrote

The power structure can certainly change if AI was implemented into politics having majority vote rule for example


TarantinoFan23 t1_j9zkro7 wrote

That seems extremely unlikely. There is no way for this to even begin to happen.


QualityKoalaTeacher OP t1_j9zqgsf wrote

You’re probably right but if anyone could figure it out it would likely be AI itself


jfb1337 t1_ja01rl4 wrote

Making a hypothetical very powerful AI safe is a pretty difficult problem. Implementing it with a rule of "do whatever the majority of humans vote for" isn't the worst idea possible.