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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_ja42zc5 wrote

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Celistar99 t1_ja43cn7 wrote

I wouldn't say never. Maybe less than others. It also depends on how many people live in your house and how often you do dishes.


Cerebr05murF t1_ja44xmz wrote

Sorry, in my household, dishes aren't washed until the cupboards and utensil drawers are empty. Need to fry an egg? Use the last mug and then use the salad tongs to eat it.


EVizzleMike t1_ja47vz7 wrote

I ONLY do the dishes when all the dishes are used and I don’t have money for takeout


Jimmigill t1_ja4y2gg wrote

This is half the reason I only own 2 of everything. The other reason is my temper but that's why I'm in therapy.(not proud but working on it and making progress... PTSD, apparently. And dishes are a trigger.)

The fewer dishes there are, the smaller the pile can be.

It also helps to rinse and neatly stack them as you set them by the sink. Makes the job less daunting.