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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j8teubj wrote

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PatrickAplomb t1_j8tf74x wrote

But darkness is just the absence of light. So there isn’t a speed of darkness


austinsoundguy t1_j8tgvwm wrote

The coordinates for the pyramid of Giza is also equal to the speed of light in m/s.


Comfortable-Fail-558 t1_j8tgz3l wrote

Totally false. Darkness does not have a speed. And the speed of light is simply the speed of particles with no mass.


LordZeise t1_j8tjosd wrote

Dark is faster than light, where ever light goes darkness was there before it.


zephyrprime t1_j8tjqdt wrote

Shadows can actually move faster than the speed of light. Also, space itself can in theory move faster than the speed of light. There are actually probably many physical objects traveling faster than the speed of light relative to us because although they travel less than the speed of light in their own reference frames, the expansion of the universe causes objects very far away from us to be moving at a substantial speed so that extra speed they get from space itself carrying them farther away from us could put them over the top of the speed of light.


Homelessnomore t1_j8tkto8 wrote

“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

  • Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man

awkkiemf t1_j8tmlei wrote

Ooo like the great hypothesis that light is just a dark sucker made by my friend Josh while I was on acid many years ago.


PrideOrks t1_j8tms2n wrote

I think most energy waves, or in a certain spectrum, travel at the speed of light, so radio waves travel at a speed equal to the speed of light too.


_monsieurnieht t1_j8tvc3r wrote

It’s like saying 0 apples have weight. No, it doesn’t, darkness is an absence of light, it is not a thing.


_monsieurnieht t1_j8tvgdc wrote

It’s like saying 0 apples have weight. No, it doesn’t, darkness is an absence of light, it is not a thing.


koregafusionda t1_j8u1cj3 wrote

thats just how quickly the light leaves so its still the speed of light


JetpackKiwi t1_j8v0ayy wrote

Don't gravitational waves propagate at the same rate as the speed of light?


captainofpizza t1_j8v3zhp wrote

Imagine a light bright enough to light up the universe and a piece of paper 1 light year wide and tall. The light travels at the speed of light, but if we block it with an object close to its source, the light much much further away will be stopped from projecting onto the paper. If it was a planet that took a day to cross the path of the light relative to the sheet of paper it’s shadow would be seen moving across 365x the speed of light. That darkness sweeping across from lack of light can be much faster than the speed of light because it has no limit.