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shottylaw t1_ja145xz wrote

I'm pretty sure the ultimate biological weapon is the air in daycare facilities


theWildBore t1_ja159me wrote

Didiaper oxide is lethal


mhk98 t1_ja1z6rd wrote

You’re thinking of diaper dioxide actually: DiaperO_2


mrfitty t1_ja1pclr wrote

I think you may have proved the OP's point. Are toddlers not tiny stupid people?..


vkapadia t1_ja1zwaj wrote

My wife works at a daycare. Can confirm this is true.


Incredulous_Toad t1_ja21gyw wrote

Kids are just buckets of disease.


vkapadia t1_ja23veo wrote

Yup. Her immune system is stronger now, but when she first worked there she'd come home sniffly all the time.


KickBassColonyDrop t1_ja20lhc wrote

Tough call. They don't develop object permanence for several years. I think you need that in order to qualify as someone being stupid. If their brains can't remember that because their eyes can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there, then it's impossible to claim they're stupid. In fact, claiming that they're stupid is on of itself stupid. You neeny.


ScarTheGoth t1_ja14vrv wrote

Can confirm. My cousin worked in one and got Covid twice.


DarkGengar94 t1_ja21bcj wrote

What about old ppl smell?

Old lady was near the register the other day and I was dam choking


FranKing0807 t1_ja16tu0 wrote

>the air in daycare facilities

Have you been to a daycare, like ever? What the f🦆k kind of health inspector just allows the daycare to constantly smell like someone just opened 20 diapers on a summer day at the dump? Are your kids and/or you ok, u/shottylaw?


shottylaw t1_ja1ctrq wrote

I'm referring to the fact that kids are always sick, and daycares spread that wildly. Settle down


peter13g t1_ja1dirr wrote

I thought that was obvious, I never caught the flu… until I had a child. They just cough and sneeze right into your face and then laugh when you freak out.


asyoucommandstan t1_ja1j7zx wrote

and people ask why I dont want kids. Tack that reason on to the list I already have that's a mile long.


0r0B0t0 t1_ja1qzft wrote

Last week I got hand foot and mouth disease so bad I’m partially blind now. It should get better in few weeks. I hope anyway.


shottylaw t1_ja1r4qv wrote

Oh man, that sucks! I also got that when my kid was in daycare. Worst sore throat of my life


Tu_mama_me_ama_mucho t1_ja1xnn5 wrote

Shit bro, last year August. We send the 1 yo to daycare 5yo to kinder, 10yo to 4th. We had:

Stomach flu. 2 times

Flu. 1 time

A covid virus ( not 19)

Cold 2 times

We mask at home when someone is sick. This week is the only one we haven't been sick, one gets sick 3 days later the next one... just keep going