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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_ja9b7p1 wrote

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dysfunctionalpress t1_ja9doxx wrote

i could die while taking a normal breath of fresh air, but not from it.


Jeanboyx3 OP t1_ja9eslo wrote

You could accidentally have swallowed your own saliva while inhaling a normal breath of air, causing you to choke, and depending on the circumstances, lead you to loosing consciousness, which in turn, might lead to a head injury that leads to death


Affectionate_Draw_43 t1_ja9jfte wrote

Technically, you can only die from things that are within a radius of <time in seconds> * <speed of light>


ammonium_bot t1_ja9rdv3 wrote

> to loosing consciousness,

Did you mean to say "losing"?
Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb.
Total mistakes found: 2404
^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions.


silver_arrow666 t1_jaa0gam wrote

You mostly die because of cell death. Drowning? Lack of oxygen, sad mitochondria, cell death. Smoke? Carbon monoxide prevents your hemoglobin from delivering oxygen to your cell, cell death. Cancer? Your body cannot bring needed materials to your cell (since the cancer is taking it all), cell death. Hunger? No food, no energy for your cells, cell death. Fire? Proteins denaturing, cell death (also some other reactions, but that is already enough to kill your cells). EVERYTHING IS CELL DEATH!


dysfunctionalpress t1_jaadayd wrote

the point is- i don't have them, so taking a normal breath of fresh air isn't going to kill me. i could die while breathing, but not because of it.

believe me- i don't like being so cocky either...size 18 shoes aren't easy to come by in a lot of styles.


Nimelennar t1_jaao8mg wrote

Oh, sure, but I don't think OP's "you" is referring to you, specifically, but rather people in general. Like the "you" in "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone."

So you "you" might not be at significant risk of dying from a breath of fresh air, but it's totally as thing that a indefinite "you" could totally die from.


Tiggy26668 t1_jab1j3q wrote

Theories can be wrong, so theoretically anything is true, until it isn’t.


MerylSquirrel t1_jabpss8 wrote

While true, I once read an interesting point that there are actually only two causes of death: oxygen deprivation and/or head trauma. Literally every other way of dying, what actually kills you is one of those.


Ginandexhaustion t1_jabqpse wrote

How can playing guitar kill me? Or clicking a mouse, or thinking?

Tons of things don’t cause death.


Ginandexhaustion t1_jabr2g9 wrote

If you swallow saliva you don’t choke on it. Choking comes from something going down without being swallowed.

And the amount of saliva in our mouths could easily be coughed up instead of choking you.


IsThatJed_ t1_jabum7z wrote

How about breathing, sleeping, waking up, standing, sitting, breathing, living, taking a shower, playing an instrument, writing, drawing, painting (not the one that has extreme fumes that could kill an allergic person), petting your pet, talking, opening the fridge, getting bonked at the head by a newspaper or a plastic bottle, waving, punching the air, looking up, down, and left to right, typing, looking at a picture?


lostmypwcanihaveurs t1_jabv1mm wrote

Entropy is a bitch, yo.

I've heard it argued that oxygen reacts with most of what humans are made of on a level that we're essentially slowly burning to death from the moment we're born. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being absolutely bonkers, how unhinged does that sound?

Also, does lack of sleep cause cell death? Seems like you might be the guy to ask.


silver_arrow666 t1_jabvdca wrote

Yeah, and the only reason we're not constantly on fire is because the oxidation reaction is too slow to be self-sustaining, and it doesn't get hot enough. Regarding sleep deprivation I don't know a lot about it (you need a neurologist or a biologist, and I'm a chemist), but probably yes, since your life sustaining systems would shut down, causing cell death.


raff7 t1_jac49m8 wrote

It’s not just about not being able to see it.. it’s about it being unable to affect you in any way.. the speed of light is not just about light, it’s about causality


UnrealPownament t1_jaclc56 wrote

Shattering ones life takes the effort of breaking a thin spiderweb. So what


ThaFamousGrouse t1_jacv7q7 wrote

So there is a chance I can be killed by one of Dr. Doofenshmirtz's Inators? Tell me about it. (*puts on helmet and climbs into my B.O.A.T)


jmpires t1_jadnf2e wrote

Probably you mean <time in seconds yet to live> but you (as well as an awful lot of people) can just as well die next year of exposure to supernova gamma radiation emitted a couple centuries ago, 201 light years away