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Chevytech2017 t1_ja138yo wrote

Flip side of that, people who make payments on cars miss out on the satisfaction of never having a car payment


ShyMagpie t1_ja142ee wrote

Or getting a title without a lein on it.


RascalRibs t1_ja13quu wrote

I'm fine having a low interest car payment though.


Volcan_R t1_ja13kjs wrote

Or on not paying more money than the car is worth.


Leather-Scheme-7925 t1_ja14di8 wrote

They just pay one single payment and it’s over with. That’s satisfying, unlike your thought.


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Lokivstheworld t1_ja1781x wrote

People who pay cash for vehicles get the glory of owning the car when they walk off the lot. People who make payments get to rent the car from the dealership.