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Tight-Lingonberry941 t1_j9s34ol wrote

Idk that's not how it worked for my college, and I have a bachelor's degree and currently teach at a university. I also lived on campus for 4 years.

Tuition for all your classes for one semester is one fee. Lodging is another separate fee. Books are ANOTHER separate fee. Food is on your wallet. If you want to join any organizations or varsities, that's another expense.

I don't know where you are from, but either you are very lucky and live in a place I'd like to live in, or you don't understand how college works.


tWasMeDioo t1_j9s4jhh wrote

Just think about entertainment lol another huge cost not included with this “resort” like it is with actual all inclusive ones


Tight-Lingonberry941 t1_j9s5wud wrote

Jesus Christ I remember I used to do rich people's homework for money. There were times I had no sleep for 24-48 hours doing both my and their requirements, all so I could earn enough to party in the weekend.

I'd say it's a pretty shitty resort. 1 star, maybe even 0.


tWasMeDioo t1_j9s76un wrote

Hey I used to do that in sociology and psychology classes! Tbh writing papers that were usually 5-10 pages long was not the best choice especially because I take pride in what I write I mostly just did it for friends


Tight-Lingonberry941 t1_j9sc1mk wrote

Oh nice! I did that for some sociology and psychology classes too, but overall, I did whatever they didn't want to do LOL it ranged from communication to accounting to calculus to literature to chemistry.

I did it for money because I know I'm good at writing and a lot of the people in my dorm are very rich and lazy. I love rich lazy people. They make me rich :P

I admittedly take pride in what I do too (especially since a bad grade will reflect badly on me), but I was a little more chill since I know that whatever grade I get them will be higher than what they would have gotten themselves anyway