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Little-Variation8268 t1_jabkd2f wrote

OK. So W has 3 syllables BUT the words world, wide & web only have 1 syllable each SO, theoretically, it takes longer the say the abbreviation 'WWW' than it does to say the words 'world wide web.'


TheIrishHawk t1_jabxpmz wrote

WWW = 3(W)

W = 2(U)

WWW = 3(2(U))

WWW = 6(U)

I hereby propose - Hexa-U


frieshie t1_jac1afq wrote

Hexa-U has the same syllables as World Wide Web ahhhaha. But it rolls off the tongue much better so I second this proposal.


gaint_dwarf t1_jabspao wrote

We in tech call it "dub-dub-dub"


Tomdoerr88 t1_jabupon wrote

We in 2023 don’t say it at all because you literally never need it in day to day use


CabinetOk4838 t1_jabuyeq wrote

Due to a change in allowing the domain name to be used as a CNAME record. 😊


Little-Variation8268 t1_jabsww1 wrote

From what I've seen in tech, and everywhere else in the world, the W's aren't really used anymore, it's just whatever-dot-com


MrMelon54 t1_jabwoo3 wrote

some websites like youtube, government websites etc.. still use it but I refuse to as it's just not worth it


elPocket t1_jac0qhg wrote

We in germany call "w" we, as in west.
Only you english speakers could not grasp that the w is not a double v, which the romans used for u.

So for us, its wewewe(dot)whatev(dot)org

Yes, it sounds kinda like a car engine not starting.


DrMontyy69 t1_jabp4e7 wrote

hell of a comment, consider myself entertained by your fun fact


Nihmen t1_jabucpx wrote

In Dutch W is called 'Way' but with a slightly different mouth placement. Say 'Way', but when making the w sound, shape your mouth as if you're going to say 'F*ck'.


someonepoorsays t1_jabywu8 wrote



Nihmen t1_jac30ul wrote

The Dutch W sounds closer to a V, where the English is closer to an O. The W has a vibration to it, which makes quite a difference. You might not be able to get the sound though. Children spend literal years to learn the intricate motor skills required to make certain sounds. That's why we don't tend to lose accents.


nvwls300 t1_jabwldf wrote

This fact annoyed me when the internet first started and you would hear it spelled out like that all the time.


vlexz t1_jac3858 wrote

The way to say the W at the beginning of world is how we germans spell W.

One syllable.


love_me_some_cats t1_jac0osm wrote

I always think the same in medical dramas when they talk about a patient with a "GSW to the leg..." Like, it's literally quicker to say gunshot wound.


joejill t1_jabvyvb wrote


Its 2 syllables, not 3 and the last syllable is short so I'd barely counts.

Dub-ya Dub-ya Dub-ya dot is faster than world wide web period.


stereothegreat t1_jabwp75 wrote

I can’t tell if you are trolling or not


joejill t1_jabzvtu wrote

I am not.

Also someone else said "We in tech call it "dub-dub-dub""

Maybe its my accent but I also say George dub-ya bush

And I determined down voted? You people are assholes.


psycho-mouse t1_jac2sa7 wrote

Dub-ya if you’re a slack jawed American.

In the civilised world it has 3 syllables.


Banxomadic t1_jac5xqq wrote

Well, they can reciprocate with a "it has 3 syllables if you're a crooked teeth Englishman" 🙄 In the civilised world it has 1 syllable.


jellohello13 t1_jabyiwh wrote

I don't think that is faster. Also, they're along about it being pronounced properly, like double-u.