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gaint_dwarf t1_jabspao wrote


Tomdoerr88 t1_jabupon wrote

We in 2023 don’t say it at all because you literally never need it in day to day use


CabinetOk4838 t1_jabuyeq wrote

Due to a change in allowing the domain name to be used as a CNAME record. 😊


Little-Variation8268 t1_jabsww1 wrote

From what I've seen in tech, and everywhere else in the world, the W's aren't really used anymore, it's just whatever-dot-com


MrMelon54 t1_jabwoo3 wrote

some websites like youtube, government websites etc.. still use it but I refuse to as it's just not worth it


elPocket t1_jac0qhg wrote

We in germany call "w" we, as in west.
Only you english speakers could not grasp that the w is not a double v, which the romans used for u.

So for us, its wewewe(dot)whatev(dot)org

Yes, it sounds kinda like a car engine not starting.