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Singer-Such t1_ja3ct8i wrote

I bet you there's at least one drinking glass inside a vacuum chamber out there. If anyone reads this who has a vacuum chamber then you should put a drinking glass in it just to prove OP wrong.

...Unless you want to claim that 3d space is a substance. Which I'm not qualified to argue about


Few-Opportunity-5196 OP t1_ja3hsve wrote

Haha I thought this was Shower Thoughts?! Not Hey someone make this guy a liar thoughts?!

I did think of this but took a gamble that the likely hood is very small for a drinking glass.


WildJackall t1_ja4dvqh wrote

Are you new? This sub is basically make op a liar


77GoldenTails t1_ja7ctre wrote

I prefer to call it ‘lets correct, the shower thoughts of those needing enlightenment.’


Throwaweigh40 t1_ja3oq8b wrote

Ya actually this sub is primarily people saying things and other people trying to poke holes in them


Larkson9999 t1_ja3sux3 wrote

This sub is people mostly making obvious general statements or reposts, like all other subreddits.


Singer-Such t1_ja3jjnm wrote

Some of us just like to cause trouble :D sorry!


254LEX t1_ja3dglz wrote




  1. containing or holding as much or as many as possible; having no empty space.

A glass holding air could contain more if the air were pressurized, therefore it is not full.


I-dont-rickroll t1_ja42q4a wrote

The same thing applies to water or any other material you fill it with.


254LEX t1_ja45bbh wrote

Then 'technically' no glass in the world has ever been full.


I-dont-rickroll t1_ja45e8d wrote

Never say never but yeah that’s the point if you really wanna be that picky


jmpires t1_ja6y812 wrote

I’d say a glass is full when it overflows upon adding more fluid


Climate_Sweet t1_ja6u8xp wrote

water is incompressible


Ok_Lifeguard_6508 t1_ja74gff wrote

Is it though? It's denser at extreme depth. I'm trying to get my tired brain around this and failing.


SpiteAspect t1_ja7m28e wrote

Fill your cars combustion chambers up with water and tell me if it compresses lol


Ok_Lifeguard_6508 t1_jaamqfv wrote

Of course not because the conrods will bend first. But as an awake person I can now remember that water is indeed denser at great depth (to an extent that is reflectee in the anatomy of the fish that live there). So it is compressible it's just not easy.


Few-Opportunity-5196 OP t1_ja3hgv6 wrote

Touché my friend!

However... Having no empty space", you yourself posted as being full too?

But agree to an extent as well with your argument. Which would also mean that they're never full because most things can be compressed under extreme pressure. For example in a black hole...


254LEX t1_ja3oi26 wrote

That's the thing about semantic arguments; no one is ever right because definitions aren't rigorous. Words mean only what they are understood to mean, and a glass full of air is understood to be empty.


Throwaweigh40 t1_ja3ouh0 wrote

When you breathe in, are your lungs full?


254LEX t1_ja3pd81 wrote

Yes, because lungs are meant to hold 1 atm air. Glasses are meant to hold liquid.


Throwaweigh40 t1_ja3ruh4 wrote

You can put anything you want in glasses. Pens, food, toenail clippings


tillytubeworm t1_ja52xrg wrote

It’s it’s in an unpressurized environment it will be impossible to hold more, therefore even if it’s an unpressurized environment under that definition it would still be full.


254LEX t1_ja5oi5j wrote

If the air were colder, it would also be more dense and therefore more would fit in the glass. But this whole discussion is pointless. It's a semantic argument, and saying that things are always (or never) full makes the word 'full' meaningless. Neither argument aligns with how the word is used, therefore they are both wrong.


tillytubeworm t1_ja7rad6 wrote

If the air were colder it’d be a differently pressurized environment, so within any specific environment it’d always have the potentiality to be full. So even with your semantics I think OP’s showerthought is accurate in that sense. But not in the sense of using vacuum suction to remove the air.


Sparks808 t1_ja4m49s wrote

Did you guys never put a cup over your mouth and suck a vacuum so it sticks to your face? I thought that was a pretty universal childhood experience!


Reefer-eyed_Beans t1_ja4saq1 wrote

Is this the little kid that says "It's tomorrow now!" after midnight at a slumber party?


Critical_Complaint21 t1_ja37vgw wrote

How? You mean they've never been absolutely full? Like when I drink even just a sip from it it's already not full


JellySp t1_ja3gf0u wrote

Wait till the guy with a turbomolecular pump in his basement sees this.


freddy_guy t1_ja4kdyy wrote

That is not what ANYONE means by "full" in this context. This sub needs to fucking learn how language works.


carlrieman t1_ja63cf7 wrote

This is exectly how language works! You saying "not what anyone" is already a statement that You yourself don't know how language works. One person thought outside of everyday context thus some think that way. Incorrect use of anyone much?

What it means for space to be empty or full. From physics standpoint even in vacuum there is still quantum foam.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_ja36g5m wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


Dextro33 t1_ja3am8i wrote

There Technically IS water in the air. I will fight for your right to say this statement, sir.


SoccerGamerGuy7 t1_ja6wekp wrote

With air, Yea

With Liquid, not always

With solid, At best 50% on occasion with ice cubes


hysterical_mushroom t1_ja6wu72 wrote

The glass is always full, reguardless if it is full of water, air, or water and air.


Arkhangelzk t1_ja7o0xe wrote

So now we have to say “of this very specific liquid” every time we use this phrase, rather than assuming everyone inherently understands?

Sometimes I really do believe humanity is getting dumber.