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nobody_in_here t1_jaddzlc wrote

If by thought of running a cyclist over you mean, "omg I almost hit this person" because they're riding on a very hilly two lane highway and you can't see them past the hills or they can't keep a straight line and veer into the road when you get to a good point to pass them. I don't think of hitting people but cyclists seem to enjoy playing road roulette.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jadcy31 wrote

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nowhereman1223 t1_jadeqol wrote

Nope, not once have I thought this.

They are considered a vehicle and have the same right of way on the road. In fact I actively block other cars from tailgating and trying to dangerously pass cyclists that are in front of me.


Your post says more about you than it does about society.


Soggy_Crunch t1_jadofzw wrote

I think more drivers have the thought that the cyclist needs to use the sidewalk not the street to ride on.


tirnanog22 t1_jaddfrs wrote

I have , the idiot wouldnt let me pass so he ended up on the ground when I gently nudged his back wheel.
