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lightknight7777 t1_ja3r9wh wrote

The cloaca is not an anus. It is a distinct orifice. "Anal" implies "anus".

So, I would argue that no bird sex is anal or vaginal. It's all cloacal.


SerDuncanonyall t1_ja3tudr wrote

“Write that down, write that down!”

Rule 34 artists


rulloa t1_ja3uquq wrote

Oh god, we've created a monster. What have you done?


The_Undermind t1_ja3vdfd wrote

The very definition of Rule 34 means it already existed. No sense in being remorseful


harold-lay t1_ja46l1b wrote

LIES I have went down the rabbit hole and found something NOT R34’d


kai325d t1_ja4fwo3 wrote

Ok, tell me what it is and I can guarantee you I'll find R34 of it


Tanliarian t1_ja4ip5l wrote

The other half of the rule is that if porn doesn't exist you must create the porn.


Itzchappy t1_ja4k72b wrote

Well it's on the internet now so there gotta porn of it somewhere on here.


Johnnycrabman t1_ja420n6 wrote

I don’t know, but nobody wants to see Shady no more.

Edit: obviously people do want to see Shady, they don’t want to see Marshall.


Temassi t1_ja4elcu wrote

God, and the monster has so many tentacles....


TavisNamara t1_ja490u1 wrote

You're acting like they don't already know and ignore it because they find it way more fun to slap a three foot horsecock on a bird.


iamqas t1_ja4a072 wrote

I'm ashamed to know this but... I assume you mean Rule 35 artists


Thompseanson7 t1_ja3wr29 wrote

What about ducks?


latetowhatparty t1_ja3yw2t wrote

Actually yeah…now I feel lied to. Which is it?


lightknight7777 t1_ja498lk wrote

42 second mark:

That's only going in the corresponding orifice.


GodwynDi t1_ja4f8cn wrote

I love that video. I was hoping it would be that when I clicked the link.

Did you know he is making videos again?


lightknight7777 t1_ja4gc18 wrote

New ones? That's great news, thank you!


GodwynDi t1_ja69k3p wrote

Yep! Completely new ones been up on YouTube. Resumed again past year or so. Maybe longer. Time flies.


lightknight7777 t1_ja4955a wrote

Have you seen a duck penis? It's a cork screw. I'm not sure they can have any sex besides in the designated orifice.

42 second mark. I'm sorry, but you asked:

I figured from the context of the OPs statement that they are only discussing the cloacal subset. Otherwise their comment totally falls apart.


Thompseanson7 t1_ja49vwt wrote

Trust Ik what a ducks penis looks like, and ducks are still birds lol. It’s also just a silly little shower thought


patricio87 t1_ja4e5p7 wrote

Have you ever noticed ducks are only bird that doesn’t run away from humans?


Oohbunnies t1_ja45fs9 wrote

I shall have this translated into Kanji and tattooed on my arm, "It's All Cloacal."!


MakeAionGreatAgain t1_ja46drl wrote

And also, not all birds.


lightknight7777 t1_ja4834y wrote

That's correct. I just figured with the context of what the OP was saying that they were only talking about the cloacal subset.


pUdepoD t1_ja49s67 wrote

What does that mean for me then? I’m attracted to Dee from It’s Always Sunny.


OlinOfTheHillPeople t1_ja4ipkx wrote

That kind of bird uses a different system:

Do them

Establish low rating

Encrease power


DrInsomnia t1_ja4cluu wrote

This is not true. From their earliest embryological development, animals have mouth and anal openings. It's representative of the tube-like critters from which we first evolved. In some animals other orifices develop, but mouth and anus are generally present unless secondarily lost. The cloaca is an anus with additional functions, which is not uncommon in the animal kingdom.


lightknight7777 t1_ja4ed7f wrote

It's the tissue from all 3 tracks. In no way can you just claim It's the anus or the vagina or the urinary tract. It is distinct from any of the three it is a merging of. A cloaca is not an anus.

That's why there's a distinct term from anus for it.


DrInsomnia t1_ja4ifqr wrote

There's a distinct term for it because it serves more than one function. But it developmentally starts as the anal opening, and continues to serve as the anus in an adult. This is really all semantics, but from a developmental biology standpoint it is an anus that has acquired other functionality.

Edit to add, from the Wiki link: "In deuterostomes, the original dent becomes the anus, while the gut eventually tunnels through the embryo until it reaches the other side, forming an opening that becomes the mouth."

Vertebrates are deuterostomes. In bird development, that original "anus" becomes the cloaca.


lightknight7777 t1_ja4iida wrote

That doesn't make it an anus. It's not.

Semantics is what words mean. Of course it's semantics.


DrInsomnia t1_ja4j8ck wrote

Yes. And a cloaca is an anus that has taken on additional functionality in some groups. In fact, in mammals the original mammalian ancestor likely had a cloaca, which split into separate openings (in some derived groups). But embryologically it all starts with the anus.


r-NBK t1_ja4gegh wrote

Careful, if we talk about it too much it will be colloquial.


Vulpes_lgnis t1_ja4e3qi wrote

I know this fact but for literally all the wrong reasons


hawkmech67 t1_ja4ilf3 wrote

I love when the comment has more upvotes than the original post.