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FooBarU2 t1_ja40c6n wrote

by the way, fellow mammals: kangaroos and opossums have the same plumbing.. i.e., they too, have cochleas


DarthPeteMitchell t1_ja415yo wrote

*cloaca. Cochlea are in the ear canal.


DrInsomnia t1_ja4d2fr wrote

They do have cochleas (all mammals do). But birds don't.


Rymundo88 t1_ja43iam wrote

>they too, have cochleas

And that's why you never hear them coming


quokkabee t1_ja46r2w wrote

Since kangaroos, opossums, and birds all have cochleas, this is technically correct. The best kind of correct.


HarryBaughl t1_ja44q78 wrote

We talking about marsupial kangaroos or mammal kangaroos?


FooBarU2 t1_ja4qnxl wrote

FYI, and as I am sure you know, mammals that have the dual plumbing ports (for liquid and solids... #1 and #2 respectively LOL) are called placental mammals.

And marsupial is the other referenced my my post along with odd monotremes which are how duck billed platypuses are categorized.


HarryBaughl t1_ja506ov wrote

Interesting. I always thought that mammals and marsupials were different because of the lack of mammaries.