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North_Recognition199 t1_j8wqf7g wrote

You turn into an elderly person when you’re 60 years old. Thus, 2025.


Mike__Z t1_j8wqwok wrote

Every government site I'm looking at defines elderly as 65

Edit: medical journals too


AttentionSpanZero t1_j8wtcp9 wrote

Hey! I was born in 1965 and I will not be elderly in 2025. I'm looking to retire in 2035 at the earliest. Young whipper-snapper trying to tell me when I'm elderly. No fucking Werther's hard candy for you!


Soup0rMan t1_j8y5mp1 wrote

Shhhh... Just thank grampa for the candy and throw it out when he's not looking.

Also, Werther's slap.


SadLaser t1_j8ytdd2 wrote

You don't "turn into" an elderly person. It's not like you're young and spry one day and then elderly when the clock strikes midnight as you turn 60. If we're talking senior citizen, that's legally defined as 65. If we're talking elderly, that's more an issue of physicality on an individual basis. Some people are old and decrepit at 55, some are still in pretty healthy, great shape at 75. It's different for everyone.