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cheeseIsNaturesFudge t1_j9x7jwz wrote

My dad caught me, hanging backwards over the edge himself, by the ankle as a toddler when I decided tipping backwards off a small bridge would be more fun than enjoying a juice sitting on the edge with him.


Shadow_of_wwar t1_j9xhnb1 wrote

My dad was working on his van, and i had apparently found my way into the drivers seat, and somehow got it out of park as my dad is under the back half, he managed to get up before i basically tried to reverse over him, he somehow caught and held the truck instead of just getting run over, keeping me from just drifting into active traffic after smooshing him.

So he managed to prevent me from killing both him and myself at the age of 3


Vladi_Sanovavich t1_j9yg67g wrote

>So he managed to prevent me from killing both his and myself at the age of 3

Honestly, I should be impressed. But I gotta say, that's too young of an age to be a dad.