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LittleJackTheSparrow t1_j9zhibz wrote

I was a kid about a year of 6/7 and i was bullied on a lot. I admit, was kinda an oddball ans such, but still no reason imo. Anyways, was walking home from school when one of the bullies shows up with his friend he was like 12 at the time, larger and bigger than me. Things got physical and his friends threw me on the ground and he climbs on me and starts choking me, like two arounds my neck choke. Nearly passed out. Not like the usual, my vision was red. An adult woman kicked him into his face and scared him away. Lines were in my neck and and my shirt ripped. Went to the police but they just said "boys will be boys"


RiC_David t1_ja34yqc wrote

And the ones who aren't strangled to death will be men some day.