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JIN_DIANA_PWNS t1_ja7uu07 wrote

Hence the OE knaeve {n’aIvÊve} From Old French —-> Latin naevus to connect, constrict, or be grossly becutten Later borrowed from Finnish naïve meaning to be beholden to the connection thereof, hence leading.
Earliest usage in English, from Sir Thomas Tomlison’s Practical Guide For The Gifted Sub Hunter, circa October 1593, “and thine whence betroth, a single nave from fetal navel, doth give thine crimson hunt.”


Mixt-meta4z-1463 t1_ja82db6 wrote

I can completely identify with your logomachism. Are you a phrustrated philologist too?


JIN_DIANA_PWNS t1_ja87by9 wrote

yes! thats it. i am just frustrated. if only i could meet some outlet to channel my Qi…. oops, y’all aint got that concept 氣