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mello-t t1_j9vt9rt wrote

This should be the defacto example that the entirety of the Bible is symbolic and should never be taken literally. Rib might actually mean dna, but the languages through time had no word for it.


Hiccupy t1_j9xbay2 wrote

My favorite theory is that God took Adam’s dick bone to make Eve. And that’s why humans don’t have a rod in their schlong anymore like most mammals do.


Grotto-man t1_j9w2i2d wrote

My biggest issue with the story is that even in a symbolical sense it doesn't make sense, since every human being starts out as a female embryo (kind of) and so you'd think that god would switch the roles in the Adam and Eve story to emphasize this incredible fact.


LayersOfMe t1_j9zuj36 wrote

Its just an alegory to say God create the woman for men and a missing part of him is in the woman so they should stay together to become a whole again.


Rayesafan t1_j9xb6yb wrote

I think that it was poetic imagery on the teamwork between husband and wife. (At his side. Not above or below, but side by side.)


CheekyBlind t1_j9xtlqa wrote

Man you just blew my worldview with your dna take